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Book series: Full list by title


Additive Manufacturing Materials and Technologies

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Advanced Therapeutics, Clinical and Interpersonal Skills

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Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

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Advances in Green and Sustainable Chemistry

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Advances in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Robotics

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Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology

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Advances in ubiquitous sensing applications for healthcare

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Agricultural Soil Degradation and Restoration

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Aerospace Fundamentals, Applications, and Exploration

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AOCS (American Oil Chemists' Society)

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B - D

Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes

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Biostimulants and Protective Biochemicals Agents

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Cognitive Data Science in Sustainable Computing

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Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice

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Computation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows

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Contemporary Issues in Air Transport

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Critical Specialties in Treating Autism and other Behavioral Challenges

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Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research

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Developments and Advances in the Supply Chain Industry

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Developments in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

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Developments in Environmental Science

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Developments in Laboratory Animal Science, Technology, Welfare and Medicine

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Developments in Microbial Cell Factories: From Design to Commercial Production

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Developments in Physical & Theoretical Chemistry

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Developments in Weather and Climate Science

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E - H

Ecohydrology from Catchment to Coast

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Ecosystem Services: Understanding the Value of Nature

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Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials

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Elsevier Series in Mechanics of Advanced Materials

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Emerging Methodologies and Applications in Modelling, Identification and Control

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Emerging Technologies and Materials in Thermal Engineering

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Expertise in Pharmaceutical Process Technology

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Foundations and Frontiers in Enzymology

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Genome Modified Plants and Microbes in Food and Agriculture

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Handbook for Designing and Conducting Clinical and Translational Research

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Hybrid Computational Intelligence for Pattern Analysis and Understanding

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I - N

Intelligent Data-Centric Systems: Sensor Collected Intelligence

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Information Technologies for Healthcare Industry

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Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery: AI-enhanced, Data-driven, and Evidence-based Approaches

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Medical Robots and Devices: New Developments and Advances

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Medicinal and Industrial Plants and Products

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Methods in Molecular and Materials Modelling

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Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics

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Microbiome Research in Plants and Soil

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Molecular Mediators in Health and Disease: How Cells Communicate

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Multiphysics: Advances and Applications

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Nanobiotechnology for Plant Protection

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Nuclear Decommissioning Case Studies

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P - S

Patient Safety, Risk and Quality Care in Healthcare Facilities

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Perspectives in Behavioral Economics and the Economics of Behavior

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Plant Biology, Sustainability and Climate Change

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Plant Gasotransmitters and Molecules with Hormonal Activity

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Progress in Biochemistry and Biotechnology

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Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science

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Regenerative and Transplant Medicine

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Stem Cell Innovation in Health and Disease

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Studies in Natural Products Chemistry

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Supercritical Fluid Science and Technology

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T - W

The Elsevier Series in Tribology and Surface Engineering

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The European Federation of Corrosion “Green” Books Series

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The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design

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Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

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Translational and Applied Bioenergetics

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Trends in Consumer Experience with Food

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Uncertainty, Computational Techniques and Decision Intelligence

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Vacuum and Thin Film Deposition Technologies

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Waste And The Environment: Underlying Burdens And Management Strategies

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Woodhead Publishing Advances in Pollution Research

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Woodhead Publishing Reviews in Mechanical Engineering

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Woodhead Publishing Series in Civil and Structural Engineering

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Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials

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Woodhead Publishing Series on Carbon Capture and Storage

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Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering

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