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Biomechanics of Living Organs Series

Aim & scope

It is challenging to find all the biomechanical aspects related to human organs in a single resource. The Elsevier Biomechanics of Living Organs series provides an opportunity for students, researchers, clinicians, and engineers to study the main topics related to the biomechanics of a living organ of interest, in a single book written by scientific and clinical experts. This series is the first to synthesize - in each volume - the state of the art through complementary biomechanical studies carried out in a living organ of interest. Each volume will also provide a dedicated focus on the clinical applications addressed by the biomechanical models of the organ.

biomechanics of living organs book series cover

If you are interested in developing a new volume for the Elsevier series, Biomechanics of Living Organs, please contact the Series Editors, Professor Jacques Ohayonse abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, Professor Yohan Payan, se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana or the Publisher, Mara Connerse abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana.

Key features

  • Each volume is published with full color images in print (hardcover), as an eBook, and on Science Directse abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

  • Elsevier’s authoring platform, Elsa, gives you all the tools you need to write, edit, collaborate, and track progress in one easy-to-use online platform. Elsa helps you save time, stay organized, and improve the discoverability of your published content.

  • Elsevier’s dedicated and accomplished editors, project managers, and designers will work with you to produce a book with the high quality and accuracy our books are known for.

  • A dedicated Editorial Project Manager (EPM) will be your resource for any day-to-day questions during the development stage and will provide you with a high level of support.


Graduate students, researchers, professional engineers, as well as clinicians in the fields of biomedical engineering, biomechanical engineering, tissue engineering, mechanical device engineering, biology, pathology, applied mathematics and modeling.

Series Editors

Jacques Ohayon


Jacques Ohayon, PhD


Polytech Annecy/Chambéry, Univ. Savoie Mont-Blanc, and researcher at TIMC-CNRS laboratory, Biomechanics team, Univ. Grenoble-Alpes, France

Leer más acerca de Jacques Ohayon, PhD
Yohan Payan


Yohan Payan, PhD

Director of Research

TIMC-CNRS laboratory, Biomechanics team, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, France

Leer más acerca de Yohan Payan, PhD