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Series Editor

Image of George P. Petropoulos


George P. Petropoulos

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography, Harokopio University, Greece

George P. Petropoulos obtained his PhD from King’s College London in the United Kingdom. Currently, he is Assistant Professor of Geoinformatics at the Dept. of Geography, Harokopio University of Athens, Greece. He also holds a Marie Curie Fellowship with the School of Mineral Resources Engineering of the Technical University of Crete, Greece (2018-2021).

His research focuses on the use of Earth Observation, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), digital cartography, GPS, simulation process models, ground measurement networks in geographical and environmental applications. His main research interests include the mapping of the natural and man-made environment and monitoring of their changes over time, the study of biotic and abiotic hazards and of their spatiotemporal dynamics, the development of geoinformation software tools and use of operational products and applications of geoinformation.