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Apoyo y analíticas para decisiones oncológicas basadas en la evidencia

ClinicalPath de Elsevier incorpora en el flujo de trabajo clínico rutas asistenciales oncológicas basadas en la evidencia y análisis asociados, lo que permite tomar decisiones coherentes y fundamentadas para maximizar la calidad de la atención.

Clinical Cases screenshot

Risk-free space. Real-time feedback. Real-life data.

Transforming clinical education

Clinical Cases covers a diverse range of unique cases and a wide variety of conditions, all based on real-life clinical data. It allows students to practice clinical decision making through a conversation-like interface and guidance from a virtual consultant.

hand holding ipad with screen of Clinical Cases product

From classroom to clinic

  • Offers students a safe environment to make clinical decisions and learn from mistakes, without risk to patient safety

  • Supports students with immediate feedback through real-time critical alerts and instant performance results

Clinical Cases on mobile, ipad and laptop

Trusted content, vetted by experts

Provides a teaching supplement for clinical reasoning that ensures case standardization and is ready for immediate use, saving faculty time and resources

Tablet and phone screens of Clinical Cases

"I loved the variety of cases. I was able to select something that directly overlapped with our classroom curriculum, then apply what I'd learned in a more practical setting that went beyond OSCE."


Medical Student