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A complete review and testing solution to promote student exam success

Elsevier's complete review and testing solution offers assessments and preparation products that enable you to analyze and improve student performance.

HESI hero animation still

HESI can offer your program:

Exams and assessments

Valid and reliable HESI exams, delivered in-person or remotely, allow you to assess student progress and evaluate their readiness for licensure and certification exams.

HESI exam pillars - practice, testing, remediation

Actionable insights to improve program outcomes

HESI reports provide detailed performance data and analytics that enable students and faculty to take action to improve performance in the areas where it’s needed most.

Estudiante de enfermería en evaluación Hesi mediante el ordenador

Personalized student remediation plans

Personalized remediation content targets each student’s unique knowledge deficits. Remediation reports help you keep track of students’ remediation progress.

Young female studying for exam with overlay of HESI RN exam features