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Stories of impact and excellence, powered by Researchfish

A selection of case studies from world-leading funders, charities, research organisations and research centres.


Nordforsk explains how their organisation uses Researchfish data to produce Impact Reports and to populate the database that powers their Impact Dashboard.

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Cancer Research UK

Cancer Research UK’s ultimate goal is patient benefit, and impact assessment helps them assess whether they’re getting there as quickly as possible. This case study includes the eye-opening moment when the sheer scale and breadth of our research collaborations was revealed by Researchfish data.

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Association of Medical Research Charities

In this case study, the AMRC explains how using Researchfish has enabled them and their members to pool research outcome data across charities and identify pathways to impact.

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Crohn's & Colitis UK

This case study discusses the 2017 Crohn’s and Colitis UK first impact report "The Power of Research – 10 years of Crohn’s and Colitis research." The report was the culmination of a detailed review undertaken by Dr Wendy Edwards, Research Manager, which looked at the impact of funding £5.2 million to over 80 groundbreaking research projects since 2008.

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Parkinson's UK

This case study discusses how Researchfish has provided Parkinson's UK with greater insight into the impact of their research and saved time digging through qualitative reports to find out specific pieces of information.

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Novo Nordisk Fonden

This case study discusses how using Researchfish to track research impact has benefited the Novo Nordisk Foundation.

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The University of Nottingham

The University of Nottingham discusses how impact has grown over the last few years, largely driven by the requirement to demonstrate impact through the REF, and often goes beyond the length of a grant and/or project.

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