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Authors' Update
Authors' Update is an online resource to keep current and future journal authors in touch with the latest industry and Elsevier developments, as well as offering practical advice on how to get published and get the best impact for your work. It also provides information on the support and training available to you. The comment function at the bottom of each article provides a valuable forum for you to share your vies, stories or examples of best practice with your peers.
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Mendeley se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online and discover the latest research. With 30 million references and six million researchers to discover, Mendeley's personalized recommendations make staying up to date and building your research network easy.

Mendeley Impact
As a published author, Mendeley Impact provides you with a unique, connected view of how your published articles are performing in terms of citations, how many Mendeley users have read your articles, views of the articles you have published in an Elsevier publication, and your h-index and media mentions. Having this view helps you to evaluate and demonstrate your research impact.
Mendeley Impact is an Elsevier service for authors, but is not limited to Elsevier publications. Based on Scopus, it also provides citation information for articles published with other publishers.
If you're interested, read more about Mendeley Impact.
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Valuing your feedback
The author feedback program is a continuous survey of authors' experience of publishing with Elsevier. Corresponding authors of recently published articles are invited to answer questions about their publishing experience, providing insights into what authors think about Elsevier’s journals and the support they receive.
The program has been running since 1999, and more than 60,000 authors complete the survey every year.
Feedback leads to change
We take author feedback very seriously. We have made many changes to our services as a result of authors’ feedback, and we are dedicated to continuous improvement.
Learn more about the author feedback program.
Improving publication time
I was dismayed when after the rapid review, revision, acceptance, proof page, and online publication, that the actual article was delayed for so long.
Response: We are doing our utmost to ensure each manuscript receives a fast and thorough review. To support this, we have developed a reviewer recommender tool that helps editors find the right reviewers for your manuscript to speed up the process. We have also accelerated our production process over the last few years, so that in most cases, your manuscript is online only a few days after acceptance.
Improving the submission process
I am not sure I agree with the fact that a large number of manuscripts simply don't get reviewed. From an author's standpoint, it is a waste of time to submit to such a Journal because even if the paper is rejected from other journals, at the very least, we are able to get peer-review comments.
Response: We launched the complimentary Article Transfer Service to tackle this problem. If a paper is out of scope, the editor can recommend it for another journal. The author can then choose whether to transfer their manuscript, without having to reformat or resubmit.
Improving journal matching
Finding an appropriate journal is a challenge for me, I would suggest a system can help on this.
Response: Journal Finder se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana responds to this problem by helping authors match their article to the most relevant Elsevier journals, using the title and abstract. The tool provides authors with key information about the relevant journals, enabling them to make an informed decision about where to submit.
Improving article structure and expanding content
I would love if Elsevier would start publishing graphical abstracts…. I think graphical abstracts are more helpful than written abstract.
Response: Most journals now accept graphical abstracts, which summarize articles in a concise, image-based format, designed to engage a wide readership online.
Enabling data publication and availability
It would be nice to put online the data used in manuscripts.
Response: We recognize the importance of readily accessible data and that is why we have evolved several innovative solutions, including the ability to upload research data directly to Mendeley Data when submitting your manuscript. For more information on how we support data sharing, including how you can publish in our suite of pioneering Research Elements journals, please visit our research data page.