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Clinician of the Future 2023 banner - Female clinician smiling at female patient

Clinician of the Future Report 2023

Discover how clinicians across the world view the challenges facing healthcare

Download the Clinician of the Future 2023 report se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

Download the executive brief se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

With healthcare evolving at an accelerating pace, how can we help clinicians meet the challenges they expect to face in the decade ahead?

Elsevier’s Clinician of the Future program elevates the voices of thousands of doctors and nurses from over 100 countries with an annual survey. Uncovered outcomes were summarized by four key themes:

  • Clinician attitudes to AI — considered approach to supporting care delivery

  • Clinician shortages — overshadowing future care transformation

  • Addressing clinician/student training — needs today and future proofing for tomorrow

  • High expectations — empowered patients helping to drive transformation

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