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Registration fees for on-demand access until 15 November 2022*

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€99 + 19% VAT = €117.81


€99 + 22% VAT = €120.78


€99 + 21% VAT = €119.79


€99 + 20% VAT = €118.80

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On-demand access allows you to:

  • Watch recorded talks*

  • View ePosters and poster pitches*

  • Message authors and other attendees

  • View abstracts of all presentations

* On-demand access includes recordings of talks and slides, poster pitches and posters from authors that have agreed for post event distribution: the organisers cannot guarantee on-demand access to all presentations

Payment methods

Payment for conference registrations can only be made by credit card online and the listed payment applications. Elsevier accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Alipay, Paypal and Unionpay. Your registration documents will be available on the registration system for you to download.

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We do not offer refunds for online conference registration.

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