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Global Reaxys User Day 2024

12 June 2024

Asia Pacific & Europe Session: 15:00 - 18:30 SGT / 9:00 - 12:30 CET

Americas & Europe Session: 11:00 - 14:30 EST / 17:00 - 20:30 CET

Global Reaxys User Day 2024 - Conference Logo

AI and the future of chemistry

AI is revolutionizing the field of chemistry, delivering tangible value to chemists today while opening a world of possibilities for the future.

In Global Reaxys User Day 2024, you will learn firsthand from Dr. Quentin Perron, Iktos’ Chief Scientific Officer, how AI is empowering chemists to design and synthesize novel compounds in record time. Speakers from Merck, Novartis and Corteva will share how Reaxys is helping them accelerate their research. Additionally, the Reaxys team will unveil exciting new releases and their future vision for Reaxys.

Learn from the global Reaxys community 

Reaxys User Day offers a unique opportunity to learn from peers and expert consultants, gaining invaluable insights into how Reaxys can propel your research forward. Engage with use case presentations, Tips & Tricks sessions, and dynamic Q&A discussions with experts to deepen your understanding of: 

  • Monitoring the competitive landscape to drive innovative research outcomes  

  • Designing compounds effectively using bioactivity and pharmacological data 

  • Driving efficiencies in synthetic chemistry with AI technology 

  • Upskilling new generations of chemists with compelling educational content 

Shape the future of Reaxys

During the User Day you will have the chance to participate in engaging A/B tests influencing the Reaxys’ roadmap. Do you want to be an active member of the Reaxys user community? You will have the opportunity to join our Product Feedback Program!  

Why should you attend? 

Network with chemists from around the globe 

Gain insights from case study presentations by industry and academia leaders 

Explore the breadth of use cases supported by Reaxys through clear workflow demonstrations 

Meet the Reaxys team, and be the first to learn about the future of Reaxys 

Learn tips and tricks to optimize your Reaxys experience 

Delivering insights that fuel research

In today’s highly competitive research landscape, data is the key to success at every decision step in a project. With over one billion data points sourced from over 112 million documents, Reaxys offers the most comprehensive coverage of chemistry research available. Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology, Reaxys helps you navigate the data explosion by extracting pertinent research insights from literature and accelerating synthesis planning processes. Don’t miss out on how you can increase the impact and speed of your research with Reaxys.