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Registration closed.

Registration fees

Standard delegates

USD 690 + 10% VAT = USD 759


USD 350 + 10% VAT = USD 385

Post Docs

USD 475 + 10% VAT = USD 522.50


USD 790 + 10% VAT = USD 869

Symposia Presenters

USD 350 + 10% VAT = USD 385 (Applicable to Regular and Fast-track symposia only)

Dinner tickets (SOLD OUT)

USD 90 + 10% VAT = USD 99

*Author/Academic/Clinical rate applies to those with a full-time position in a non-commercial institute.

*Student rate applies to those registered for a higher degree. Student registrations must be accompanied by a signed letter from your head of department attesting to student status. These should be emailed to [email protected] opens in new tab/window (Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances) to support your registration.

The registration fee includes:

  • Access to conference sessions and opportunity to network with speakers and other delegates.

  • Conference App

  • Welcome reception, mid-session refreshments and lunch, as scheduled in the conference program.

Payment methods

Payment for conference registrations can only be made by credit card online. Elsevier accepts: MasterCard, Visa and American Express. Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances.

Should you test positive for Covid-19 or be required to self-isolate, do not attend the conference. Elsevier will refund your registration fee.

Code of conduct

Elsevier is committed to creating a safe, enjoyable, and professional conference environment where mutual trust, diversity and inclusion are valued, and where everyone is entitled to be treated with courtesy and respect. Please read the full code of conduct here. opens in new tab/window

Cancellation information

Substitutions may be made at any time but please advise the Conference Project Lead of a change of name. If you find it necessary to cancel the registration completely, please notify the Conference Project Lead immediately. Provided written notice is received by 11 January 2025, a full refund will be given less a 10% administration charge. Provided written notice is received by 25 January 2025, a 50% refund will be given. Please note, registrations cancelled after 25 January 2025, or for no-shows at the conference, the full fee (100% cancellation charges) will be payable.

WARNING - SCAM ALERT: Exhibitor Housing Services (EHS) & Exhibitor Housing Management (EHM), Traveller Point (TP) and Travel Hosting Team (THT)

Elsevier has been made aware that third-party companies are targeting Elsevier conference speakers and attendees with a fraudulent travel and hotel booking scheme.

The companies are calling/emailing conference attendees, using email addresses which appear very similar to official Elsevier email addresses, and claiming to be the “official” housing bureau and/or authorized by Elsevier to book hotel/travel accommodations for the conference. This is entirely false and should anyone contact you, please do not provide them with any of your details, but refer this to Elsevier. If you are in any doubt about an email regarding the conference, please check this with a member of the organising team via: [email protected] opens in new tab/window