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Committee & Speakers

Conference Chairs

Dorothee Dormann, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany

Fen-Biao Gao, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, USA

Aaron Gitler, University of Stanford, USA


Keynote Victor Ambros, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, USA

Session 1: Dysregulated RNA metabolism in neurological diseases Pietro Fratta, University of College London, UK Leslie Thompson, University of California, Irvine, USA

Session 2: Physiological functions of disease-linked RNA-binding proteins Joel Richter, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, USA Gene Yeo, University of California, San Diego, USA

Session 3: Biomolecular condensates and their role in normal RNA processing and in disease Simon Alberti, Dresden University of Technology, Germany Roy Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

Session 4: Human genetics and genomics insights into neurological diseases Don Cleveland, University of California, San Diego, USA Rosa Rademakers, VIB Center for Molecular Neurology, Antwerp, Belgium

Session 5: Structural insights into pathological RNA-binding proteins Magdalini Polymenidou, University of Zürich, Switzerland Ben Ryskeldi-Falcon, MRC Cambridge, UK

Session 6: Toxicity of repeat RNAs and repeat proteins Dieter Edbauer, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Munich, Germany Laura Ranum, University of Florida, USA

Session 7: Novel biomarkers due to dysregulated RNA metabolism Michael Ward, National Institutes of Health, USA Philip Wong, The John Hopkins University, USA

Session 8: RNA-based therapeutics Anastasia Khvorova, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, USA Matthew Simon, Denali Therapeutics, USA