Invited talks from renowned speakers
Our invited prestigious speakers lead a topical programme supplemented by selected contributed oral presentations and poster sessions for which abstracts are invited.

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1-4 July 2025 | Bruges, Belgium
Poster abstract submission open until 30 May 2025
Follow us: #TETSymp | @TetrahedronSymp S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Join global leaders from both academia and industry for a topical program highlighting the latest results in organic chemistry, chemical biology and medicinal chemistry.
...opportunity to interact with world-class speakers who presented absolutely amazing chemistry...
.. a high class schedule, but also with opportunity to talk to everyone (including the top speakers)…
Our invited prestigious speakers lead a topical programme supplemented by selected contributed oral presentations and poster sessions for which abstracts are invited.
Present your latest research: Poster abstracts accepted until 30 May 2025 on the following topics:
New reagents, catalysts, strategies and concepts for organic synthesis
Total synthesis and biosynthesis of natural products
Stereoselective synthesis and asymmetric catalysis
Bioorganic chemistry and chemical biology
Drug discovery and medicinal chemistry
Supramolecular chemistry
Physical and computational methods in organic chemistry
Photoredox and organic electrochemistry
Organic materials chemistry
Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.
Abstract submission (talks): 24 February 2025
Abstract submission (posters): 30 May 2025
Author registration: 11 April 2025
Tetrahedron Chem, our latest flagship Open Access title, is focused on exciting new results in organic synthesis. Follow Tetrahedron Chem on Twitter S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre | Visit journal homepage S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Tetrahedron Green Chem is dedicated to publishing impactful advances in sustainable synthesis using green principles to support all areas of fundamental and applied organic and materials chemistry. Visit journal homepage S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Tetrahedron publishes full accounts of research having outstanding significance in the broad field of organic chemistry and its related disciplines, such as organic materials and bio-organic chemistry. Visit journal homepage S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Tetrahedron Letters provides rapid dissemination of short accounts of advances of outstanding significance and timeliness in the broad field of organic chemistry and its related disciplines, such as organic materials and bio-organic chemistry. Visit journal homepage S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry publishes complete accounts of research of outstanding significance and timeliness on all aspects of molecular interactions at the interface of chemistry and biology, together with critical review articles. Visit journal homepage S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters publishes research communications of outstanding significance and timeliness on topics at the interface of chemistry and biology, together with invited concise review articles. Visit journal homepage S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Previous events in the series:
2024: Montpellier, France 2023: Gothenburg, Sweden 2022: Lisbon, Portugal 2020: Held online in 2021 2019: Bangkok, Thailand 2018: Riva del Garda, Italy 2017: Tetrahedron Asia: Melbourne 2017: Budapest, Hungary 2016: Sitges, Spain 2015: Tetrahedron Asia: Shanghai 2015: Berlin 2014: Tetrahedron Asia: Singapore 2014: London 2013: Tetrahedron Asia: Seoul 2013: Vienna 2012: Tetrahedron Asia: Taipei 2012: Amsterdam 2011: Sitges 2010: Beijing 2009: Paris 2008: Berkeley 2007: Berlin 2006: Kyoto 2005: Bordeaux 2004: New York 2003: Oxford 2002: Shanghai 1997: Munich 1995: Kyoto