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SciVal Benchmarking

Develop a deep understanding of your institution's position and inform plans at the university, faculty and department levels with the Benchmarking module. With a comprehensive array of simple and more sophisticated metrics to draw upon, you can analyze, benchmark and produce peer comparison reports to support the development of your research plans.

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Globe with the title of the SciVal module. Benchmarking Module.

Leverage the flexibility of SciVal’s Benchmarking module to:

  • Compare your research performance and impact to peer groups and institutions in your country, region, or worldwide

  • Analyze and benchmark collaboration partners

  • Profile developments in fields over time and visualize trends with heatmaps

  • Choose from an array of research metrics, zoom in on a year range or subject area and build insightful reports

  • Benchmark and understand your contribution to the UN SDGs

SciVal Benchmarking module

Benchmark to peers across the bibliometrics used in major university rankings

  • Analyze the trends in the bibliometric drivers to enrich your understanding and inform plans accordingly

  • Compare to peers across the bibliometrics used in the THE and QS World University Rankings as well as the U.S. News Best National University Rankings

  • Benchmark at the THE subject and QS Faculty area level for deeper understanding of your university’s position and to inform faculty and department level plans

  • Analyze, benchmark and produce peer comparison reports across all bibliometric drivers directly in the Benchmarking module

SciVal CMU case study thumbnail

Étude de cas : Ryan Splenda, bibliothécaire de liaison à la Tepper School of Business de l'université Carnegie Mellon, partage son processus en 5 étapes pour soutenir le processus de recrutement et de titularisation de l'université à l'aide de SciVal.

Download case study  S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Update stakeholders, track progress and inform management decisions

SciVal includes comprehensive reporting functionality so that you can create reports tailored to your organization's needs.  Model scenarios and share insights with stakeholders to inform decision-making.

  • Create analyses across each of the six SciVal modules

  • Choose predefined reporting templates or adapt one to fit your own needs

  • Save your most used reports as templates

  • Share reports with other SciVal users in your Institution

Create, manage and organize your information with My SciVal

My SciVal works across all modules and makes finding, sharing and analyzing your entities and analyses straightforward. You can use My SciVal to:

  • Build a group of researchers you want to evaluate and monitor

  • Edit Research Areas by adding search terms or applying filters

  • Add and modify tags such as department or project names to manage entities with ease

  • Share entities with other SciVal users

  • Download information about all Topics & Topic Clusters in a single spreadsheet

My SciVal screenshot

Learn more about SciVal and explore each of its modules

SciVal offers complementary modules to help you evaluate and analyze the research performance of institutions and their researchers worldwide. Explore each module to discover more ways SciVal can help your research thrive.

Explore SciVal

SciVal explainer video

"The SciVal Benchmarking module enables individual liaison librarians to work collaboratively with deans and other administrators to bring insightful data and value to the RPT [reappointment, promotion and tenure] process."

Ryan Splenda


Ryan Splenda

Liaison Librarian de Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University

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