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Understand and benchmark research performance, your portfolio of research strengths and the global research landscape
Analyze global, national and institutional research trends
Benchmark within and beyond your institution

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The world's top universities rely on SciVal's unparalleled, insightful analyses to optimize research strategy, collaboration and more.
Research leaders must make the right choices on research areas to pursue, building research teams, and forging partnerships across sectors and countries.
With insightful analyses based on the research performance of 23,000+ research institutions and researchers from 230+ countries, SciVal provides unparalleled support for data-informed decisions.
SciVal helps you visualize and benchmark research activities and performance of any research entity of interest.
Understand and benchmark research performance, your portfolio of research strengths and the global research landscape
Analyze global, national and institutional research trends
Benchmark within and beyond your institution
"SciVal makes our strategic planning more effective. We can analyze future research trends and university world rankings to create a research agenda and make strategic decisions about how we collaborate with other universities."
Huey-Jen Su
President de National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan
SciVal helps you assess research partners and find experts across sectors, countries and research fields.
Identify the key researchers working in specific Topics or Research Areas
Profile your current partnerships and identify potential partnership opportunities through deep analysis of co-authored works and research fields of interest
Build interdisciplinary research teams for targeted funding bids
"The data from SciVal was a very important factor in helping us to identify our strengths. We used the information to identify a focus area for our design workshop as well as faculty to include."
Stacy Esposito
Executive Director, International projects, Knowledge Enterprise de Arizona State University
Learn how a broad range of institutional users benefit from SciVal.
Hansa Magee, Assistant Director of Analytics at Arizona State University's Knowledge Enterprise, shares how she has been applying Scival Topics of Prominence to her work.
Daichi Kohmoto from Kyoto University Research Administration Office (KURA) shares how they are using SciVal to improve their research strategy and enhance collaboration.
Read more stories about how SciVal enhances research programs and ecosystem:
National Research Foundation of Korea: Driving the country as innovation powerhouse S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland: Academic Corporate Collaboration for Sustainable Development Goals S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
National Cheng Kung University: Creating an innovative research environment for global competitiveness S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
Carnegie Mellon University: Why SciVal has become an essential ingredient S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre in the Tepper reappointment, promotion and tenure (RPT) process
From analyzing research trends, benchmarking performance and more, SciVal helps research programs thrive through integrated modules.