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Transition to Practice

Improve nursing skills, confidence and satisfaction with Transition to Practice

Offer your new nurses the learning and support to help them thrive on your care team.

A woman in bed with an oxygen tube

With Transition to Practice you can:

Accelerate your new nurses’ skills and confidence

Without sufficient preparation, support, and training throughout the transition into practice, new graduate nurses can experience loss of confidence, burnout, and reduced mindfulness around culture of safety.1 They’re also getting their licenses faster, which limits their exposure to real-world clinical care. These factors mean many of today’s novice nurses are transitioning to practice feeling isolated, unsure, and overwhelmed. In fact, 50% of novice nurses report missing signs of life-threatening conditions.2

With Elsevier’s Transition to Practice virtual learning, you can build new nurses’ professional skills and confidence to deliver top quality patient care. 

Attentive nursing students in class

Guide your new nurses to satisfaction and success

Nurse leaders are pressed to help new nurses build professional competence and confidence with the utmost efficiency. With Transition to Practice, you can deliver effective virtual education to support each nurse’s needs, setting them up for success within your residency and orientation programs.

Transition to Practice provides evidence-based curriculum aligned to the American Nurse Association (ANA) Professional Performance Standards, in a digital experience designed to engage and support new grads. With this solution, you can achieve higher nurse satisfaction and better patient care.


Help your new grad nurses quickly hone essential professional skills in a safe, immersive, virtual environment that uses real-world scenarios.  

  • Interactive, multi-modal online learning simulations evolve based on each learner’s decisions 

  • Immediate feedback accelerates confidence, competence, and readiness for the floor 

  • Learners have the opportunity to earn up to 15.75 NCPD credits throughout all seven modules 

nurse on laptop - teach words


  • Open the lines of communication between your new nurses and their support teams with post-shift surveys and journaling tools. 

  • New nurses can self-reflect on their experiences and confidence levels in an easily accessible space

  • Nurse leaders can quickly identify and address concerns to offer guidance and support 

Two doctors working together, looking at digital tablet with UI overlay showing examples of engagement


Gain visibility into how your new nurses are progressing in their professional skills development, confidence levels, and overall satisfaction. 

  • Nurse leaders can view timely performance reports at the individual and cohort levels 

  • Identify at-risk novice nurses and deliver tailored help sooner to protect against nurse burnout and turnover 

Portrait of female pediatrician with UI overlay showing examples of advancement

Empower new nurses to deliver exceptional patient care by improving their skills and confidence

1Hospital Compare datasets S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre,” Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

2 Hill, K., “Improving Quality and Patient Safety by Retaining Nursing Expertise,” The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Vol. 15, 3 (2010)