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9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives

24-27 March 2024 Eurotel Victoria, Les Diablerets, Switzerland

Register here!

9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives cover

Join us for the 9th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives

The 9th International Conference in the series is organised by the European Structural Integrity Society - Technical Committee 4, on Fracture Mechanics related to Polymers, Polymer Composites and Adhesives.

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Conference topics

  • Polymers: Low rate properties, Kc, Gc and Jc. Essential work of fracture, we. Impact and high rate properties. Ductile energy dissipation and notching effects. Environmental effects. Fracture in soft materials. Cutting, machining and scratching.

  • Composites: Delamination in continuous fibre composites including cross-ply and 3D reinforcement. Impact and high rate properties. Fatigue fracture, damage mechanisms, thermal properties, experimental characterization and simulation. Toughness of short fibre, particulate, or nano- and micro-scale reinforced composites. Pure and mixed-mode fracture. Peeling of flexible laminates.

  • Adhesives: Structural adhesives toughness evaluation. Geometry and thickness effects on Gc.  Measuring toughness in highly toughened adhesive joints, including Jc testing. Toughening mechanisms, including nano-scale additives. Impact and high rate behaviour. Environmental effects. Peeling of flexible laminates.

  • Application of fracture mechanics: Service life prediction models, including cyclic fatigue loads and environmental ageing effects. Data for FE design codes. Applications in structural engineering, electronics, pipelines and layered structures. Crash simulations.


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We are still accepting poster submissions. Deadline – 1 March 2024

Author notification deadline –  10 November 2023

Author registration deadline –  15 December 2023

Early bird deadline – 15 December 2023

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Discover conference topics and submit poster abstracts for review.

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Exhibitors & Sponsors

If you are interested in exhibiting at, or sponsoring, this conference, please explore the commercial opportunities.

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Supporting publication

Engineering Fracture Mechanics 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く covers a broad range of topics in fracture mechanics to be of interest and use to both researchers and practitioners. Contributions are welcome which address the fracture behavior of conventional engineering material systems as well as newly emerging material systems. Contributions on developments in the areas of mechanics and materials science strongly related to fracture mechanics are also welcome. Papers on fatigue are welcome if they treat the fatigue process using the methods of fracture mechanics. The Editors especially solicit contributions which synthesize experimental and theoretical-computational studies yielding results with direct engineering significance.

ESIS journal cover