Submit abstract
Poster abstracts are invited on the following topics and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く
Conference topics
The main topics include:
Analysis of engineering failure associated with environmental damage, such as hydrogen embrittlement; additively manufactured parts; high-temperature components; bioengineering materials; energy structures and infrastructure.
Microscopic investigation of failure mechanisms in engineering materials (metals and alloys, polymers, ceramics, composites, electronic materials, and biomaterials).
Principles and methods of failure analysis. Novel approaches and tendencies: e.g., Artificial Intelligence and machine learning applied to engineering failure analysis and fractography.
Case studies of failures in industrial sectors (e.g., renewable energy, aerospace, biomedical, nuclear, microelectronics, marine and offshore power generation, thermal power, oil and gas, metallurgy, automotive, rail, civil construction, manufacturing, consumer goods and mining).
Regulatory agencies, legal matters, ethical issues, and insurance in the failure analysis industry.
Role of engineering failure analysis in the design, materials, fabrication, operation, maintenance, prevention, safety, risk assessment, reliability analysis, life prediction and safety evaluation, quality assurance and business management.
Philosophical aspects of "lessons learned" approach and impact on the welfare of the community.
Publication Opportunities
All authors of accepted abstracts and who have registered for the conference are invited to submit an article to the special issue dedicated to the conference.
You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like. If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.
Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence. Allow at least 2 hours for your receipt to be returned to you.
For revisions or queries regarding papers already submitted
For revisions or queries regarding abstracts already submitted please contact the Conference Content Executive 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く. If you do not receive acknowledgement for your abstract submission or you wish to make any essential revisions to an abstract already submitted, please DO NOT RESUBMIT your abstract, as this may lead to duplication. Please email the Conference Content Executive 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開くwith details of any revisions or queries. Please quote your reference number if you have one. A condition of submission is that if accepted one of the authors will present at the conference.
Art and Philosophy as Sources of Inspiration and Navigation to the Failure Analysis Journey
Date: Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 15.20 – 17.20
The workshop is available to all conference delegates.
Description - The main objective of the Workshop is the elaboration of a challenging and innovative “experiment”, aiming to underline the multi-faceted and diverse nature and role of Failure Analysis process, hosting two presentations with the following titles:
The materials failure as a fingerprint of the artwork creative process
(speaker: Professor Athena Alexopoulou)
Introduction to Philosophical Roots and Process Based Approach: A Holistic Perspective of Failure Root-Cause Analysis
(speaker: Dr. George Pantazopoulos)
First Presentation:
Title - The materials failure as a fingerprint of the artwork creative process (authored by Athena Alexopoulou and co-authored by Anna Moutsatou)
Speaker name - Athena Alexopoulou, University of West Attica, ARTICON Lab, School of Applied Arts and Culture and Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art

Athena Georgia Alexopoulou, Diploma and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (National Technical University of Athens) is Professor at the Department of Conservation of Antiquities and Works of Art at the University of West Attica. She is member of the University Board and manager of the University’s partnership to European HORIZON Project “GREen ENdeavor in Art ResToration” (GREENART). She founded and leads the Research Laboratory “ARTICON: Conservation-Promotion of Visual Art, Book and Archival Material” and has organized many scientific activities and educational programs related to the protection and promotion of cultural heritage under its auspices. She recently completed her appointment in the University of West Attica Council of Training and Lifelong Learning as well as in the Scientific Advisor Committee in Culture, Tourism and Creative Industries of the National Council for Research, Technology and Innovation. Her scientific activity covers the field of diagnostic non destructive methods and chemical microanalysis of artworks and archaeological objects for which she has received funding from multiple competitive national and European research grants. She has authored and co-authored monographs, scientific books, chapters in collective volumes, educational manuals, and many publications. Part of the educational material she teaches is freely available in open online academic courses.
Materials' failure detected by non-destructive testing (NDT) can serve as a fingerprint of the artist's creative process, offering valuable insights into their artistic intent, experimentation, and the unique characteristics of their work. NDT techniques, such as visual inspection, hyperspectral imaging, and radiography, allow artists and scientists to examine artworks without causing damage or altering their appearance. By revealing hidden defects, imperfections, material anomalies and damages within artworks, NDT can provide a deeper understanding of the artist's choices, techniques and the evolution of their creative process. It can also provide valuable information for their historical course. Through characteristic examples an attempt is made to present how materials' failure detected by NDT can inform our understanding on unveiling artistic intent, insight into experimentation, identifying unique characteristics, monitoring artwork condition and guiding restoration decisions. By providing insights into the materiality of artworks, the failures can contribute to the preservation, interpretation, and appreciation of art.
Duration: 45 min
Q&A Session: 5-10 min
Second Presentation:
Title - Introduction to Philosophical Roots and Process Based Approach: A Holistic Perspective of Failure Root-Cause Analysis
Speaker name - George Pantazopoulos, ELKEME Hellenic Research Centre for Metals S.A.

George A. Pantazopoulos graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in 1992 (order of graduation considered equivalent to “summa cum laude”) with specialization in Materials Science. He received his Ph.D. from the Mechanical Engineering Department of NTUA in the field of Manufacturing Technology and Processing of Advanced Materials in 1999. He has served in the metals industry for more than 23 years as a quality control engineer, as a senior R&D project leader, and more recently, as a quality and technology manager. His principal scientific research interests are focused on the field of failure and fracture analysis, materials processing, manufacturing process technology, mechanical testing, and tribology. He serves as a Subject Editor of Engineering Failure Analysis and editorial board member and reviewer for journals in the field of materials science and failure analysis. He has been the recipient of various awards and distinctions, including a best paper award and a dissertation thesis prize. He was also included among the top-cited scientists based on a statistical analysis of bibliometric indicators from the Scopus database (based on calculations using all Scopus author profiles) for 2022 and 2023.
Philosophy (“Φιλο-σοφία” = Love of Wisdom) is the intellectual process that tries to answer fundamental questions concerning the truth, reason, existence, Nature - Human interrelations.
Philosophy, associated to one of the four ancient virtues (courage, moderation, justice, wisdom = sofia), seeks the knowledge, not only as a theoretical basis, but also as a pragmatic approach and a life mentality, providing the “medium” showing the path of excellence / happiness (eudaimonia) and peace, through “praxis”. Stoic philosophy flourished in Ancient Athens and Rome, elucidates a three-dimensional approach (Nature, Logos, Ethos).
As a philosophical “paradigm”, the failure analysis process, seen from a holistic viewpoint, is designed through a series of stages towards deep knowledge, (self)improvement and society welfare. An analogy, based on the philosophical roots, showing the equivalence between “logic and ethical principles” and “failure analysis steps”, is finally attempted in order to shed light and explore the existing strong interconnecting bonds.
Duration: 45 min
Q&A Session: 5-10 min
Comments and Discussion / end of workshop: 10-20 min
Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances.
Conference dinner
The optional Conference Dinner will be held on Tuesday 9 July on the Acropolis Terrace of the Athenaeum InterContinental Hotel.
The Acropolis Terrace, with its hardwood deck and marble benches and surrounding small garden replete with fruit trees and Mediterranean shrubs, unfolds the beauty of the city before visitors: the hustle and bustle of the day counterbalanced by an ancient legacy that makes it magical and haunting by night.
Tickets cost €65 + VAT 24% = €80.60 when ordered in advance with registration and include a pre-dinner drinks reception and buffet-style dinner with drinks.
Places are limited so please book early via the online registration system. 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く