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A complete review and testing solution to promote student exam success

A comprehensive solution that delivers programmatic assessments, insights, and review resources to boost student and program outcomes.

Nursing Student Studying

HESI is for:

Nursing Education

HESI’s review and testing solution for nursing provides you and your students with essential tools to learn, understand, apply, and assess.

Health Profession Education

HESI’s preparation and testing solutions for health professions provides you and your students with essential tools to learn.

HESI can offer your program:

Secure Assessments

Valid and reliable HESI exams, delivered in a secure environment, allow you to assess student performance throughout your program and evaluate them at the end of your program to gauge readiness for their licensure and certification exams.

Actionable insights to drive stronger student and program outcomes

Comprehensive HESI reports and interactive dashboards provide detailed performance data and analytics that enable students and faculty to take action to improve performance in the areas where it’s needed most.

nursing student

Personalized student remediation plans

Personalized remediation content targets each student’s unique knowledge deficits. Remediation reports help you keep track of students’ remediation progress.

nursing student concentration

HESI supports students with:

HESI Landing Page Feature Reporting


Powerful reporting capabilities provide invaluable data and predictive insights to support student and program success and anticipate credentialing exam preparedness.
Picto image of an Article


Personalized online remediation addresses individual areas of weakness with targeted, interactive learning content with reporting to monitor student remediation progress.
Accreditation preparation feature picto

Accreditation preparation

HESI exams are aligned to and reported on various taxonomies to support accreditation requirement reporting.