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Transformational visibility into your academics’ career journeys

Interfolio Lifecycle Management allows university leaders to see rosters and career milestones at a glance, empowering them to anticipate budgets and plan for the future with unprecedented visibility into academic staff—their most valuable resource. 

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Lifecycle management

Visualize and activate scholar career paths

How do you prepare for your academics’ professional growth, milestones and workloads throughout the year?  

Interfolio can help academic leaders better understand and act on upcoming faculty career milestones. Integrating seamlessly with Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure module, administrators can easily initiate evaluations for a streamlined experience in one platform. 

Visualise and activate scholar career paths

Ensure equitable workload and career progression

Data insights help ensure workloads are balanced across academics’ service, teaching and research efforts. Plus, see which academic staff, at what ranks, are advancing—and who may need additional support to achieve their goals. 

Ensure equitable workload and career progression
Interfolio ECSU case study cover

Case study: Read about how Elizabeth City State University adopted Interfolio’s Review, Promotion & Tenure and Lifecycle Management modules for their annual reviews and faculty lifecycle processes.

Read the ECSU case study 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Improved visibility into specialized higher education data

Academic careers can take many paths, and the nuance of this information is ill-suited for spreadsheets or a one-size-fits-all HR or ERP system. With Interfolio’s Lifecycle Management, you can centralize faculty personnel records and fulfil employment agreements related to reviews, promotions, sabbaticals and more. 

Improved visibility into specialised higher education data

Insights to fuel your planning and budget

Academic staff salaries are the biggest expense at many universities, yet it is common to see academic appointment information siloed in a spreadsheet. With Lifecycle Management, you can truly understand if you have gaps in your roster and if you have the capacity among your academic staff to cover essential teaching and research needs at your institution. 

Insights to fuel your planning and budget

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