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Knovel Corrosion

Protect your assets from corrosion with multidimensional corrosion tools and resources.

Contact us

Corroding platform

The annual cost of corrosion is U.S. $2.5 trillion globally (NACE Impact Study)

Safeguard your equipment and infrastructure from corrosion with Knovel Corrosion. Its unique coverage spans metals, plastics and coatings, opening up new options to:

- Increase asset integrity and plant efficiency - Reduce downtime and testing rounds - Improve safety and lower operational risk - Conduct failure analysis and develop mitigation plans

Knovel Corrosion Tools

  • Flexible tools help you find the corrosion data you need quickly — a must-have when downtime can incur heavy daily losses.

  • Easy discovery with a unique means of searching across all materials and exposure media in a single view.

  • Comparisons of the resistance of different material grades against the same exposure media.

Watch the video 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Knovel corrosion module video image

Examples of tools

Materials compatibility

Identify compatibility of materials for various exposure media.

Knovel corrosion tools - Materials Compatibility

Case studies

Find field-tested responses to corrosion with causes and remedies.

Screenshot of Knovel corrosion tools case studies

Isocorrosion graphs

Extract corrosion-specific concentration and temperature data.

Graph showing example of Knovel corrosion tool isocorrosion diagram

“Knovel Corrosion quickly gave us rankings for plastics in many different environments.... It also provided supporting case studies to help explain our conclusions. I had never seen all this within a single reference source before.”

Mel Esmacher


Mel Esmacher, P.E.

Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions

Using Knovel Corrosion to solve valve failure and identify solutions

Veolia Water Technologies & Solutions leverages a comprehensive set of chemical, equipment and digital enabled services and products to solve the toughest water, wastewater and process challenges around the globe. When leaks were detected in a unique type of check valve – exposing it to a caustic chemical mixture – the team used Knovel Corrosion to uncover the problem and quickly identify solutions. This significantly reduced downtime and provided a clear, authoritative direction for the Veolia team to take.

“Use of the internet typically offers fewer specifics for the client. This means we would not be able to provide a clear-cut direction,” said Mel Esmacher, P.E., senior materials and metallurgical engineer at Veolia’s R&D and Customer Analytical Services Laboratory. “Knovel Corrosion, on the other hand, gives targeted literature references to support a probable cause of failure, which sets the stage for engineers to make correct decisions and advise the client on better material for applications.” Learn more about Veolia’s Knovel Corrosion success story. 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く