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SciBite text analytics and data enrichment tools help you get more from your data

SciBite semantic technology helps you answer business critical questions. From ontology management to text analysis, we help you produce machine-readable clean data to release the value and full potential of unstructured data.

SciBite hero image

Built by scientists for scientists

Ontology management: Make data interoperable

SciBite CENtree - collaborative, comprehensive and extensible

Take the effort out of tabular data curation

Aerial view of misty pine forest with overlay of SciVal Workbench product features

Semantic search: Find all relevant data

SciBite Search
Data Enrichment picto

FAIR data

SciBite tools help you prepare data to ensure it's findable and interoperable. Optimize data reuse by applying FAIR principles.
Ontology picto

Context-aware vocabularies

With 50+ scientific topics, our vocabularies offer far greater coverage than publicly available resources.
Predictive model picto

Expert services

Experienced industry experts can help you build vocabularies and training sets, and develop and deploy deep learning models.