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Sherpath® – 教育・学習テクノロジー


Young student studying in library

Through a single interface, Sherpath Vantage delivers:

Interactive course content

Sherpath Vantage delivers interactive course content and a variety of assignment types, teaching resources, and tools to help students master key concepts, strengthening their nursing competency and clinical judgment. Sherpath Vantage’s simple, seamless, and supportive environment saves you time and provides meaningful learning analytics to drive improved course outcomes.

Available in the following courses: Fundamentals, Health Assessment, Community/Public Health, Critical Care, Gerontology, Leadership and Management, Maternal Health, Medical-Surgical, Mental Health, Pathophysiology, Pediatrics, and Pharmacology. 

Sherpath Vantage Video Graphic

Groundbreaking conversational AI tool for students and educators

With Sherpath AI, students can engage in a back-and-forth exchange of questions and answers in the moment of learning, creating a more interactive and dynamic experience. Plus, Sherpath AI can help educators streamline tasks and boost engagement by providing information on teaching strategies, classroom activities, and more.

Sherpath AI

Improved course outcomes for students

  • Build Knowledge: Sherpath Vantage’s engaging learning technology helps students master course content and develop a solid understanding of the key concepts that form the foundation for their success.

  • Apply Clinical Judgment: Realistic, hands-on patient care simulations woven throughout Sherpath Vantage give students essential practice applying their knowledge, skills, and clinical judgment in safe, learning-based environments.

Sherpath Vantage supports nursing education with:

Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experiences

Shadow Health Digital Clinical Experiences deliver high-fidelity, screen-based simulations.
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Sherpath AI

Sherpath AI generates personalized response queries sourced solely from Elsevier’s collection of trusted, evidence- based content.
logo Osmosis from Elsevier

Osmosis Videos

Osmosis actively engages students through bite-sized, illustrated health education videos.
Empowering knowledge picto

Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing

Adaptive quizzing allows you to create relevant quizzes on a wide variety of topics to facilitate student knowledge application with high-quality practice questions.
Picto image of a checklist

Comprehensive Digital Lessons

Gauge student understanding through confidence indicators, adaptive remediation, and assessments.
Book picto

Elsevier eBook

Provide trusted health education content in an interactive format.

Assignment Analytics

Comprehensive assignment dashboards and analytics put vital performance data at your fingertips. Enabling faculty to quickly identify individuals who may be struggling.
Clinical practice picto

Evolve Resources

Discover time-saving teaching tools at your fingertips.