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Supporting clinical decision making

Turn information into actionable knowledge to help healthcare professionals put evidence into practice.

Masked female doctor searchbar fractures DrugSummary Header

How can Clinical Decision Support solutions help you?

Unlock the power of AI in clinical decision making

  • ClinicalKey AI combines trusted, evidence-based clinical content with conversational search powered by generative AI to support clinicians in delivering high-quality patient care 

Doctors discussing a case

Enhance clinical practice through informed, confident decisions

  • ClinicalKey enables clinicians to stay abreast of rapidly expanding clinical knowledge 

Physician mask diagnosis patient Benefit

Help clinicians enable the right targeted therapies for their patients

  • ClinicalPath provides evidence-based oncology pathways embedded in the clinical workflow, helping teams make consistent, well-informed decisions for high-quality care

  • Order Sets enables organizations to author, review and manage order sets in a collaborative environment

Elderly male physician computer stethoscope Benefit

Enhance nursing and interprofessional practice with evidence in the workflow

  • Clinical Skills allows clinicians to access skills and procedures in the EHR and at bedside to support daily patient care  

  • ClinicalKey for Nursing empowers clinicians with actionable answers to efficiently carry out treatment plans 

  • Care Planning combines the patient’s story, evidence-based care plan guides, and standardized assessments into one longitudinal plan of care 

female nurse checking tablet

Give radiologists and pathologists comprehensive decision support they can rely on

  • STATdx helps radiologists make informed and efficient decisions with direct access to trusted information

  • ExpertPath gives pathologists tools to make confident diagnoses

Radiology looking computer scans Benefit


Learn more about how our Clinical Decision Support solutions can help you improve health outcomes
