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Journal subscription prices

All journals present on ScienceDirect are available as electronic subscriptions in a tiered pricing model based on research intensity and size. Price shown for a title is valid for a small academic institution without research activity. Larger academic  institutions with research activity will pay a different price (see explanation of the pricing model).

A complete 2025 print subscription price list of all Elsevier journals is available to you as a standard Microsoft Excel document.

To place your orders or for information on agents' discounts, please contact your nearest Customer Service Office 새 탭/창에서 열기.

The currency in which you pay is determined by the send-to address of your customer.

Please note that all prices in this list were correct at time of collation, however they are subject to change without notice. (Last updated January 7, 2025)

Details of all the journals in these files can be found in the Journal  새 탭/창에서 열기section of this website.

Open Access publishing

A complete article publishing charge (APC) price list 새 탭/창에서 열기 of all Elsevier journals which offer this option is available to you as a standard Microsoft Excel document. This file includes hyperlinks to the homepages of the journals and applicable currency. Please note that all prices in this list were correct at time of collation, however they are subject to change without notice, so please check the journal homepage (which includes details of any applicable discounts).