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Press release

Elsevier와 Iktos는 신약 개발을 위한 AI 기반 합성 화학 플랫폼을 제공하기 위해 파트너십을 체결합니다

2024년 3월 5일
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Press release

Elsevier and the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Expand 40-year Partnership to Support Clinician Access to Evidence-Based Guidelines at the Point of Care

2025년 1월 15일
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Press release

Elsevier Health announces the commercial launch of Sherpath AI, the most advanced AI solution in nursing and healthcare education

2024년 10월 14일
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Press release

Elsevier Health expands access to ClinicalKey AI to individual medical residents and physicians

2024년 10월 8일
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Academic and Government

Press release

Khalifa University Establishes Open Access Agreement with Elsevier

2024년 9월 30일
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Press release

Elsevier and SCELC Establish Partnership to Expand Open Access in Elsevier Journals

2024년 5월 14일
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Press release

United Arab Emirates University Establishes First Read and Publish Agreement with Elsevier

2024년 5월 22일
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연구 및 저널 발표

Press release

Semaglutide Can Have Lifetime Cost and Health Benefits for Non-Diabetic Overweight or Obese Individuals with Heart Disease

2025년 1월 9일
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Press release

Study Reveals the Positive Link Between Home Kitchens and Adolescents’ Health

2024년 12월 18일
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Press release

Teens With a Reduced Response to Rewards Are More Susceptible to Depression

2024년 12월 17일
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