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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Protecting the quality and integrity of research 

We uphold the highest standards of quality and integrity in research so researchers and healthcare professionals can accelerate progress for the benefit of society​.

Research Integrity image - man laughing in sweater, laughing with colleagues

Strengthening confidence in research through quality knowledge 

Our journals help advance human progress by facilitating the evidence-based exchange of knowledge and ideas. In 2023, we received more than 3 million research papers from authors, of which we published 630,000 after rigorous editorial and peer reviews. To ensure the reliability and integrity of research, we set and uphold the highest standards of rigor and ethics in our publishing, invest in human oversight and technology to help detect and prevent problematic content, and collaborate with others on initiatives to safeguard trust in research.

Rigorous standards and processes

We take our role in ensuring the quality and integrity of scientific research seriously. ​We have established standards and processes that we expect all authors, reviewers and editors to adhere to, and we are committed to taking corrective action when our standards are not met.

 Discover how we set and maintain standards

Asian woman explaining something on computer to academic peers

Human oversight combined with technology

We have a dedicated and growing team of in-house research integrity and publishing ethics specialists and an independent network of 34,000 expert editors committed to ensuring the integrity of research. In addition to dedicated human oversight, we invest heavily in sophisticated data-driven and AI-enabled technology to detect plagiarism, fraudulent content or other suspicious activity across the submission, editorial, peer review and publication processes.

Discover how we combine human insight with technology 

Woman and man looking at monitor, collaborating on coding. The woman is pointing at the screen.

Collaborating to safeguard confidence in research

The integrity of research underpins trust in science, contributes to knowledge advancement, and has implications for societal impact. We actively drive and support industry initiatives, share knowledge and tools, and provide researchers with free resources to help them publish ethically.

 Discover how we work with the scientific community

Research integrity board gathered at table, having a business discussion