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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Rigorous standards and processes

Trust in research is critical to advancing human progress. We have established rigorous standards and support researchers, editors and peer reviewers to adopt best practice at all stages of the research and publishing process.

Woman is at home office, reviewing printed article and looking at her laptop screen

A firm focus on quality

In 2023, three million manuscripts were submitted to our 2,900 journals and our editors only published 630,000 after validation and peer review. This focus on quality research is also reflected in the fact that articles published in our journals account for over 17% of global research output and 28% of citations. Furthermore, over the last 10 years, the number of submissions we received has grown by approximately 10%, while the number of published articles has increased by 6%. 

More about peer review at Elsevier

Female doctor at the front of the room, presenting to other clinicians

A commitment to the academic record

We also have comprehensive monitoring systems and processes in place to ensure that our already published research meets our high standards, and we are committed to correcting the scientific record when those standards are not met.

More about our publishing ethics

Male professor in wheelchair, presenting to classroom. The presentation shows a statistical bar and line graph

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