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people in meeting

View from the top: Insights on the challenges ahead

Today’s institutional leaders face a shifting landscape of challenges. "View from the Top" explores the complex issues academic leaders and funders face, their preparedness to tackle them, and the strategies they’re developing to ensure long-term success for their institutions.

Developed from interviews of over 100 global senior leaders done in partnership with Ipsos, the report provides insight into both current priorities and those expected to pose even more significant challenges in the coming years, such as AI governance and climate change.

Read the full report

Satellite dish pointing upward

Featured resources

Group of people having a discussion around the table

Plan your path to impact – with pace and purpose

Gain a 360 understanding of your institution's strengths, weaknesses, threats, and, most critically, opportunities for impact. Draw from the broadest possible evidence base to set a clear strategic direction, and develop a vision that unites excites, and keeps everyone moving toward the same goal.

Find out more

woman looking at climbing wall

Boost funding and expertise – elevating your institutional performance

Discover and connect with best-fit collaborators, enabling the innovative partnerships and cross-pollination required to build high-achieving teams. Identify and source the talent needed to address competency and capacity gaps, and successfully secure a higher quality and quantity of funding - accelerating your "time to impact."

Find out more

A plant seedling on hand

Remove friction from your operations - implementing better processes that drive better outcomes

Streamline and automate workflows related to faculty and research management; saving time, effort, and resource. Gain a birds' eye view of expertise and faculty activity to optimize resource allocation, and effectively, and equitably, manage faculty and talent - from hire to retire.

Find out more

rowing team aerial view

Put your institution’s best foot forward, every day – raising your academic reputation

Enable impactful narratives to be crafted, showcased, and discovered, and gain the intel and insights required to understand, and boost, your institutional reputation and rankings. Evaluate the bibliometric and real-world impact of research attracting best-fit opportunities and creating virtuous cycles of success.

Find out more

two climbers reaching summit