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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Emerging tech and enhanced patient-centered care

2024년 10월 30일

저자: Ximena Alvira, MD, PhD

This is a photograph of a nurse holding a mask

© istockphoto.com/MarilynNieves

Empathy is essential to the delivery of patient-centred healthcare. Clinicians need to be aware of their patient's emotions and feelings, in order to establish trust and provide care that truly meets their needs.

The concept of empathy in healthcare has evolved significantly since it was first described in the 1950s, but despite its continued importance, studies show a decline in empathy among healthcare professionals. This isn’t due to individual failings, but rather systemic issues like long working hours, understaffing, increased workloads and pressures to meet operational targets.

To address these challenges, we must prioritise empathy training and leverage emerging technologies like AI-powered tools to help navigate and overcome some of these barriers. While AI can’t replace the human touch needed in healthcare, it can augment and facilitate patient-centred care by helping clinicians access information efficiently and handle time-consuming tasks. Allowing more time for the provision of high-quality, personalised care for their patients.

The future lies in striking a balance between human empathy and technological advancement. By integrating AI tools thoughtfully, clinicians can develop deeper connections with patients, understand their holistic health contexts and treat them as complex individuals rather than just a set of symptoms.


black and white headshot of Dr Ximena Alvira


Ximena Alvira, MD, PhD

Clinical Executive and Research Manager

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