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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Promoting and sustaining a culture of evidence in APAC

2022년 11월 8일 | 1분 읽기

저자: Ximena Alvira, MD, PhD

A woman clinician with dark hair is holding an x-ray up to read it.

The answer to improving healthcare in resource-limited countries lies in an evidence-based approach.

Remote and rural areas across Asia Pacific are facing a shortage of health workers, resulting in poor availability of health services – particularly for vulnerable populations. Fortunately, there can be a simple solution …

Dr Ximena Alvira, Clinical and Research Manager at Elsevier, believes the answer to improving healthcare in resource-limited countries lies in taking an evidence-based approach backed by research. However, doing so requires creating a culture that values high quality, ethical and transparent clinical research, especially as the increase in investment into research since the pandemic has been somewhat clouded by the increase in an unhealthy research culture.

Dr Alvira shares her thoughts on the vital need for APAC to be able to access curated medical information that is reliable and trusted in order to reduce data overload, ease clinicians’ mental load and improve public health – and gives her recommendations on how to achieve this.


black and white headshot of Dr Ximena Alvira


Ximena Alvira, MD, PhD

Senior Clinical and Research Specialist

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