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이 새로운 경험에 대한 귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.의견을 말씀해 주세요 새 탭/창에서 열기

엘스비어와 함께 출판

Location, accommodation & travel information

The 7th International Conference on Desalination Science and Technology 2025 (DESAL 2025) will take place at the Hilton Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA.

Hilton Clearwater Beach  새 탭/창에서 열기 400 Mandalay Avenue Clearwater Florida 33767 USA

Desalination Science and Technology 2025  - Venue


A limited number of rooms have been reserved for delegates at the Hilton Clearwater Beach, at the reduced rate of $279 per room, per night, exclusive of applicable state and local taxes. This rate is available for 3 days before and after the conference dates, subject to availability.

Book your accommodation here  새 탭/창에서 열기

Rooms must be booked by 16 October 2025, but are based on availability and may sell out prior to this date.

Sleeping rooms are also subject to a mandatory daily resort fee, of $25 per room per night. The resort charge covers:

  • 1 hour complimentary paddle boarding in the morning (based on availability and weather conditions)

  • Complimentary beach yoga 8am – 9am daily

  • Bicycle rental (based on availability)

  • Onsite fitness center and complimentary access to a full-service gym (2 blocks north)

  • Guest room wi-fi

  • Two bottles of water in room daily

  • Pool and beach activities

  • Free beach photo shoot and 1 print

  • Daily kids crafts and games

  • 10% discount on spa merchandise

WARNING - SCAM ALERT: Exhibitor Housing Services (EHS) & Exhibitor Housing Management (EHM), Traveller Point (TP) and Travel Hosting Team (THT)

Elsevier has been made aware that third-party companies are targeting Elsevier conference speakers and attendees with a fraudulent travel and hotel booking scheme.

The companies are calling/emailing conference attendees, using email addresses which appear very similar to official Elsevier email addresses, and claiming to be the “official” housing bureau and/or authorized by Elsevier to book hotel/travel accommodations for the conference. This is entirely false and should anyone contact you, please do not provide them with any of your details, but refer this to Elsevier. If you are in any doubt about an email regarding the conference, please check this with a member of the organising team via: [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기


The Hilton Clearwater beach is located in the heart of Clearwater, on 10 acres of beach.

  • Sunsets at Pier 60 - 0.1 miles

  • Clearwater Marina - 0.2 miles

  • Clearwater Marine Aquarium - 1 mile

  • City Center - 3 miles

The closest airports are St. Petersburg-Clearwater International, 15 miles and Tampa International, 20 miles. Lyft and Uber are readily available from both airports and cost in the region of $60 USD.


Accessibility Policy

Please access our Accessibility policy and guidelines here.

How to contact us to discuss any accessibility requirements

Please contact us at [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기 to discuss any requirements or questions. The conference organizer will contact you directly to discuss further. Please let us have the details of any specific requirements by 19 October 2025.

Accessibility of venue

Is there disabled parking?


Is the venue wheelchair accessible?

Yes – there are 2 sets of Elevators that go to all Floors, including guest rooms and meeting space.

Are there accessible elevators close to the conference rooms?


Are there accessible restrooms near the conference rooms (same floor/near accessible lifts?)

Yes there are accessible restrooms near the meeting space.

Meeting rooms

The meeting rooms are on the same floor except for the beach view terraces. There are accessible elevators nearby. Please see attached floor plan.

Catering: on request we can arrange for early access to the catering space/assistance with the collection of catering please contact us at [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기 Please contact us at [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기 if you would like to have an orientation tour of the venue by 16 November 2025.

Conference Hotel

The hotel has accessible guest rooms based on individual guest needs. Please call the hotel directly to book based upon availability on: +1 727-461-3222

How to reach the venue and hotel

For information on how to get to the venue please visit the following:

https://www.hilton.com/en/hotels/piecbhf-hilton-clearwater-beach-resort-and-spa/hotel-location 새 탭/창에서 열기

https://www.visitstpeteclearwater.com/transportation-getting-around#!grid~~~Featured~1 새 탭/창에서 열기

For any accessible transport queries, please contact Uber or Lyft:

https://www.uber.com/global/en/r/cities/clearwater-fl-us/ 새 탭/창에서 열기

https://www.lyft.com/rider/airports/pie 새 탭/창에서 열기