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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Global Cleaner Production Conference

9-12 November 2023 | Marriott Parkview, Shanghai, China

2023年11月9日 – 12日|上海宝华万豪酒店

This conference is organised by Elsevier, the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at Fudan University, and the National Eastern Tech-Transfer Center.

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Join us for the Global Cleaner Production Conference

Share and discuss the latest research in all areas of global cleaner production.

Present your work in a highly visible platform: contributions are invited for talks and posters.

The global challenges facing humanity today serve as a reminder of the finite nature and limitations of the planet Earth. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the escalating impacts of climate change, health issues and environmental crises are manifesting worldwide.  The consequences of unsustainable consumption and production patterns threaten the sustainability in many countries and highlight the need for stronger cooperation and actions to accelerate the transition to a healthier and more sustainable world.

Keynote and plenary talks from renowned speakers

Meet the esteemed committee members and speakers participating in the conference.

Audience in a lecture hall

Discover and participate

Global Cleaner Production Conference (GCPC) will focus on cutting-edge science and knowledge related to cleaner production at the different levels. It will also address strategies for further integrating the principles of "pollution prevention pays" and "life cycle thinking" into the pursuit of sustainable development goals. GCPC conference will include plenary sessions, parallel sessions, workshops, and editorial panel discussion.

Side view of person typing on laptop keyboard

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.

Circular economy illustration

The program features plenary presentations and interactive discussions on submitted papers.

Audience in a lecture hall