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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Habitable Earth – Geoscience for Sustainability

21-23 September 2023 | Westin West Coast, Qingdao, China

2023年9月21-23日 | 青岛西海岸威斯汀酒店

This event is organised by Elsevier and IOCAS.


Join us for the inaugural Habitable Earth – Geoscience for Sustainability

Share and discuss the latest research in all areas of geoscience for sustainability.

Present your work in a highly visible platform: contributions are invited for talks and posters.

“Habitable Earth - Geoscience for Sustainability” is the first international geoscience conference to be held by Elsevier in China.

As aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), “Habitable Earth” has become a quickly developing topic in the broad areas of geoscience in the last few years. What is learned from the past of the Earth can be used for the present and the future. The conference will focus on selected major scientific themes with examples listed below to cover the academic frontiers and research hotspots in the areas of geosciences for sustainability.

  • Ocean and climate

  • Deep Earth

  • Early Earth and extraterrestrial bodies

“Habitable Earth - Geoscience for Sustainability” aims not only to reflect recent research results in geoscience, but also to provide services to the geoscience community. Editors and publishers of Elsevier geoscience journals will be invited to attend the conference, where they can communicate directly with conference participants and help with questions on academic publishing. For researchers who are willing to participate in the peer review of international journals and handling manuscripts, the conference will also organize seminars and discussions to provide relevant information.

宜居地球 – 可持续地球科学大会是爱思唯尔与中国科学院海洋研究所在国内举办的首届国际地球科学会议。得益于联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs),“宜居地球”近年来已快速成为地球科学领域广泛探讨的话题之一。认识地球的过去有助于研究和规划地球的未来。为涵盖地球科学可持续发展领域的学术前沿及研究热点,本次会议将围绕以下三大学科主题展开讨论。

  • 海洋与气候

  • 深地科学

  • 早期地球与地外天体

宜居地球 –可持续地球科学大会不仅旨在展示地球科学领域的最新研究成果,同时希望为地球科学界添砖加瓦。爱思唯尔地球科学的期刊编辑及出版人将出席会议,并将在会上与参会者进行交流及学术出版问题答疑。如您希望参与国际期刊同行评审及稿件处理,会议将组织研讨会交流相关信息。


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