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이 새로운 경험에 대한 귀하의 의견에 감사드립니다.의견을 말씀해 주세요 새 탭/창에서 열기

엘스비어와 함께 출판

14th International Colloids Conference

15-18 June 2025 | San Sebastian, Spain

Submit abstracts by 14 February 2025

International Colloids Conference

Join us for the 14th International Colloids Conference:

Learn from international researchers who will share the latest in colloid and interface science

Present your own research and share ideas with international researchers in an intimate and relaxed environment. Submit abstracts for talks and posters by 14 February 2025.

This 14th edition in the series will offer world class facilities for attendees to exchange new ideas, establish new scientific relationships and international collaborations.

Colloid and Interface Science has a long proud history, and an ever-increasing relevance for new directions in materials sciences and engineering. As such, amongst other applications, Colloid and Interface Science facilitates advances in nano-science, soft matter science, catalysis, new developments in energy efficiency, energy generation and storage, nano-medicine and drug delivery, sensing and diagnostics, multi-phase flows and wetting.

This conference aims to provide a forum for researchers from across the world to join in a relaxed atmosphere, to communicate and share the latest developments from these research areas.

Conference topics

The 14th International Colloids Conference covers the following topics:

  • New materials for energy generation and storage, catalysis, separations, buildings, foods, clothing and packaging

  • Advanced soft matter systems, covering functional and adaptive surfactants, polymers, gels and biocolloids

  • Designed responsive and functional interfaces, surfaces, films, membranes and composites

  • Bio materials, nano-medicines novel approaches to drug delivery and medical diagnostics

  • New theory, novel phenomena and advanced experimental techniques

Reasons to attend

High quality presentations

Our attendees continuously rate the quality of the presentations among the highest in the field. Learn from international researchers, understand the current state of research and challenges to future discovery, and present your latest research at this successful event.

Networking opportunities

Meet with international colleagues, grow your professional scientific network and make new friends. There will be plenty of opportunities to socialize throughout the conference and at the special conference dinner.

Gender policy

The conference series has developed and published a gender equality policy.

Young Investigator Perspectives

Oral slots are available specifically for Young Investigators (PhD students or Post-docs). Young Investigator Perspectives talks should include clear scientific justifications for the research, new results and explanations of how the research has advanced the field compared to existing literature. There will be opportunities for these presenters to contribute Young Investigator Perspectives articles to the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 새 탭/창에서 열기, in consultation with the Editors.

Win the Best Poster Prize

Best posters will be selected by the Scientific Committee. Best Poster Prize winners will receive a certificate and free registration to the 2026 conference.

Post-conference publication

The Editors of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 새 탭/창에서 열기 will select a small number of Authors and invite them to contribute to the journal. All papers accepted in this journal are subject to a stringent Editorial and peer review process. The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science is the premier journal in colloids with an Impact Factor 9.4 and a Cite Score of 16.1.

Conference deadlines

Abstract submission deadline: 14 February 2025

Author notification: 26 March 2025

Author registration deadline: 18 April 2025

Early booking deadline: 18 April 2025

Keynote and plenary talks from renowned speakers

The program will include invited plenary lectures, contributed talks and poster sessions highlighting the latest food science research. The program will be curated by a committee of world class academic leaders in their respective fields.

Female speaker at a conference

Discover and participate

Present your latest research: Abstracts are invited for talks and posters on the conference themes

Student working on her laptop

Sponsors & Exhibitors

Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.

Abstract photo of exhibit hall

Supporting publication

The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 새 탭/창에서 열기 is growing fast; over the past 8 years the number of submitted articles to the journal has doubled and the number of citations has increased by an even higher amount. With an Impact Factor 9.4 and a Cite Score of 16.1,  JCIS is the premier journals in colloids. And, with over 3 million downloaded articles per year JCIS clearly offers maximum exposure for your research.

The Editors of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science will select a small number of Authors and invite them to contribute to the journal. All papers accepted in this journal are subject to a stringent Editorial and peer review processes.

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

JCIS Open special issue

JCIS Open 새 탭/창에서 열기 (Cite Score 4.1) is the gold open access sister journal of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. All authors of accepted abstracts who have registered for the conference are invited to submit an article to a special issue dedicated to the 14th International Colloids Conference.

The open access fee will be waived for authors who have registered for the conference.

Information on how to submit papers to the special issue will be added here shortly

Articles in the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science will be by invitation only.