Keynote and plenary talks from renowned speakers
The programme will include invited plenary lectures, contributed talks and poster sessions highlighting the latest research and technologies in the field.

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16th - 18th June 2025| Marriott Phoenix Resort Tempe, Arizona, USA
We are still open for late poster submissions! Submit here >>
Register early to claim your discount! Deadline: 4 April 2025
The International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB) will take place from 16–18 June 2025, at the Marriott Phoenix Resort Tempe, Arizona, USA.
We are excited to be able to provide an opportunity for the algae research community to meet in-person and discuss the very latest research and technologies and to interact with leaders in the field.
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“The conference brought together the most renowned researchers in the field, the presentations were of great importance to the scientific community, the event was well organized.” ALGABBB 2024 delegate
AlgalBBB places a major emphasis on the latest unpublished technical and scientific results, along with discussion and direct interactions with broad spectrum scientists and engineers, funding sponsors, and leaders in the field from all over the world. The conference presents the work of the algae research community through a balanced set of oral presentations and posters selected from the best submissions to the conference.
“A good opportunity to connect to researchers in the same field.” ALGABBB 2024 delegate
Our list of keynote and invited speakers includes funding agency sponsors, key industry players, and top scientists and engineers from the international community.
“Networking is great!” ALGABBB 2024 delegate
The conference will cover all areas of emerging technologies in all areas of algal research, including microalgae, macroalgae, and cyanobacteria: biology, biotechnology, biomass production, cultivation, harvesting, extraction, biorefinery, feedstock conversion into fuels, high value products, econometrics, and sustainability analyses.
“The most globally representative algae conference.” ALGABBB 2024 delegate
In 2025, we look forward to hearing about the new emphasis on seaweed-based systems, engineering advances, molecular characterization technologies (e.g., genomics, proteomics, metabolomics), strain engineering technologies for biofuels and high value products and pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, photobioreactor design and control systems, and new technologies in characterization and analysis, among others.
We are still open for late poster submissions! They should be submitted using the online abstract submission system.
Mini oral presentations As an additional presentation option for the 2025 conference, in addition to oral and poster presentations, Algal 2025 will also offer mini oral presentations. These will be a short 3-minute oral presentation, with one PowerPoint slide, as well as a poster presentation in one of the scheduled poster sessions.
Algal Biotechnology - Molecular Engineering
Algal Biology - Biodiversity and Bioprospecting of Algae for Biofuels and Bioproducts
Algal Biotechnology - Metabolic Regulation of Algae for Biofuels and Bioproducts
Algal Cultivation - Phototrophic Systems in Open Ponds
Algal Cultivation - Phototrophic Systems in Photobioreactors
Algal Cultivation - Heterotrophic Systems, including utilization of waste waters for algal production
Bioreactor Design, Engineering and Control
Algal Harvesting and Extraction Systems
Engineering of Biorefinery Systems, Technologies, and End-to-end Integration
New Technologies in Support of Algal Research - Areas of Separation, Refining, Detection, Characterization and Analysis
Engineering Technologies for Algal Biofuels - Thermal Catalytic and Non-Catalytic, and Enzymatic systems
Bioproducts from Algae Including High-Value Products and Co-products
Life Cycle, Technoeconomic, and Sustainability Modeling and Analysis of Algal Production and Fuel Cycle Systems
Nutrient Recycling and Management
Algal Biology – Improving photosynthetic growth and biomass productivity
Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2025
Author notification deadline: 7 March 2025
Author registration deadline: 4 April 2025
Early booking deadline: 4 April 2025
The International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts (AlgalBBB) will be offering two Jose Olivares Student Travel Awards to attend the conference. The two lucky winners will receive a complimentary registration to attend the event, as well as $700 USD towards their travel and accommodation. Please submit your abstract via the online submission system and tick the option ‘I would like to be considered for a Jose Olivares Student Travel Award’. To complete the Jose Olivares Student Travel Award application, it is mandatory to submit the supporting documentation listed below. The documentation must be submitted at the time of abstract submission via the online submission system. Please note: Incomplete submissions will not be considered for the award. Supporting Documentation required:
A one-page CV
Two letters of reference
A one-page description of how the grant would enhance your experience and affect the dissemination of your research
Application deadline - 31 January 2025
Please note that no further applications will be accepted after this date.
Algal Research is an international journal that will cover all areas of emerging technologies in algal biology, biomass production, cultivation, harvesting, extraction, bioproducts, and econometrics. The journal publishes original scientific research papers, review articles and invited commentaries. Review articles, book reviews and commentaries should only be submitted after consultation with the Editors
Some of the topics covered are:
Algal Biology: Phylogeny of Microalgae for Biofuels, MolecularTraits of Microalgae for Biofuels, Metobolic Regulation of Microalgae for Biofuels, etc.
Algal Cultivation: Phototrophic Systems in Open Ponds, Heterotrophic Systems, etc.
Algal Products and Economics
Algal Harvesting and Extraction Systems
New Conversion Technologies for Algal Biomass
Technoeconomic Modeling of Algal Biofuels Systems 새 탭/창에서 열기
There will be a Special Issue associated with the ALGAL BBB 2025 conference published in Algal Research. More information will be available soon.
This conference is organized by Elsevier.
The programme will include invited plenary lectures, contributed talks and poster sessions highlighting the latest research and technologies in the field.
Discover the conference topics and learn about related events.
Abstracts are invited and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system 새 탭/창에서 열기 before 26 January 2024.
Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.
10-12 June 2024 | Hilton Clearwater Beach, Florida
Final Oral Program- 2024 새 탭/창에서 열기
12-14 June 2023 | Waikoloa Beach, Hawaii, US
Final Oral program- 2023 새 탭/창에서 열기
14-16 June 2021 | Online