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간호사를 위한 솔루션

Build competence and confidence in new graduates

Your novice nurses need more support to navigate their steep learning curve. This support is crucial for alleviating stress, anxiety, burnout, and turnover, which can impact your entire organization and patients. While basic learning tools can miss the mark on engagement and support, you can offer a robust virtual orientation program to assess and develop new grads’ clinical and professional skills with Elsevier.    

Explore products to strengthen novice nurses' competence and confidence

Nurse working computer Hospital Benefit

Advance nursing at every career stage

Enabling your nurses to learn and grow through their careers can play a pivotal part in curbing turnover and boosting retention. Your nurses can sharpen their knowledge across experience levels and practice areas with trusted virtual education from Elsevier.

They can manage patient cases confidently with guidance on new or unfamiliar nursing skills, and take advantage of resources for lifelong career development.  

Explore products to help your nurses grow and perform at top-of-license

Nurses gather discuss tablet Benefit

Drive efficient patient-centered care

Your care team is making hundreds of decisions during each shift, often needing information along the way. When you deliver answers through an optimized workflow with Elsevier, you improve clinical decision support and coordination at the bedside — so your team can deliver top-tier care across the continuum. 

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Clinician reviews information with female patient on an ipad in a hospital room.

Deliver accessible and trustworthy patient education

Patients deserve a personalized approach to education that best fits their unique needs and preferences. When you equitably enable patients to better understand and take an active role in their care with Elsevier, you contribute to more productive provider-patient interactions and positive health outcomes across your community.

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Woman sits on bed taking vital sign reading and looks at phone.

간호사가 탁월한 역량을 발휘하는 데 필요한 지식

신입 간호사부터 떠오르는 리더까지, 엘스비어의 임상 간호 솔루션으로 참여도가 높고 재능 있는 간호 팀을 구축하세요.

Young female nurse walking down the street. Statistic over the image says "63% of new grad nurses report not being ready for practice."

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지금 바로 엘스비어 담당자 중 한 명과 상의하십시오.

Two female nurses and one male nurse walking and talking in a hospital. One female nurse holds a file folder.
  1. “29% of all newly hired RNs leave within a year.” nsinursingsolutions.com/Documents/Library/NSI_National_Health_Care_Retention_Report.pdf

  2. “Nurses want to spend more than double the time on development activities.” mckinsey.com/industries/healthcare/our-insights/reimagining-the-nursing-workload-finding-time-to-close-the-workforce-gap

  3. "Effective care coordination increases HCAHPS ratings on average by 2.3%." Figueroa, Jose F.; Feyman, Yevgeniy; Zhou, Xiner; Maddox, Karen. “Hospital-Level Care Coordination Strategies Associated with Better Patient Experience”. BMJ Quality & Safety. The British Medical Journal. 4 Apr 2018.