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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Research solutions for U.S. government agencies

Tools and resources to enhance capabilities for advancing science, technology and health.

US Capitol

Elsevier for U.S. government agencies

Elsevier is proud to help government agencies and professionals advance healthcare, foster open science discoverability and improve research performance for the benefit of humanity. Combining authoritative, peer-reviewed content with robust technology, we turn information into actionable knowledge that empowers decision makers.

What we offer

Today, Elsevier is engaging next-generation and experimental AI-based semantic analytical technologies. These include a comprehensive, multi-layered ontology called Omniscience and a technique for analyzing the entire corpus of research using semantics and direct citation analysis. The results are calculations of approximately 100,000 scientific topic clusters on specific research questions from around the world.

In addition to being the largest publisher of STM peer-reviewed literature, our analytics and digital tools support strategic research management, R&D performance, clinical decision support, and professional education through:

Research impact, engagement and collaboration

Identify and analyze existing and potential collaboration opportunities based on publication output and citation impact with a balanced, multi-dimensional view for assessing published research.

A comprehensive suite of research metrics at the journal, article, author and institutional levels is embedded throughout Elsevier’s Research Intelligence portfolio to help facilitate evaluation and provide a better view of research outcomes.

illustrated hands

Funding impact and assessment

Profile research activities and performance and evaluate the impact of the research produced by the researchers and institutions that you are funding.

Perform in-depth analyses to meet your specific objectives by selecting any combination of subject areas and metrics. Benefit from a high-level overview of the research performance of your institution, other institutions, countries and groups of researchers. Identify your relative strengths and weaknesses to optimize your strategy.

Research strategy

Access standardized reports and comprehensive research performance summaries of any research entity. Identify its unique research strengths and multidisciplinary research areas.

Perform in-depth analyses to meet your specific objectives by selecting any combination of subject areas and metrics. Benefit from a high-level overview of the research performance of your institution, other institutions, countries and groups of researchers. Identify your relative strengths and weaknesses to optimize your strategy.

 Research strategy picto


Our technology teams have incorporated scientific disciplines and technological enablers, including:

  • natural language processing (NLP):

    parsing, annotation, translation, natural language generation and more

  • data mining and machine learning:

    classification, regression, clustering, deep learning, model validity/stability and more

  • text mining:

     topic identification, relation & fact extraction, word embeddings, entity disambiguation, entity linking and more

  • information retrieval:

     semantic indexing, semantic query parsing, topic-based vector space models, generalized vector space models and more

Data assets and research support

In addition to providing high-quality content and data, Elsevier designs, develops and implements source-neutral, interoperable, transparent information systems that put researchers in control. ScienceDirect Government Edition is a cost-effective way for small government organizations to provide access to a broad range of trusted peer-reviewed journals so your organization can improve its own productivity and research output.

Picto image of Data Management

Analytical & custom solutions

Elsevier’s analytical services provide bespoke support to our customers based on deep expertise and decades of prior experience in compiling, maintaining and enhancing research-oriented ontologies. Create your own customized reports from across modules by combining a selection of analyses. Save your most utilized reports in SciVal to export and share whenever you need them.

Discovering experts & exploring expert networks

Tools to support agency compliance

Manage and showcase everything your agency produces to increase visibility and impact.

Digital Commons is the only platform that combines Inst7tutional Repository (IR) functionality, commercial-grade open access publishing, and seamlessly integrated faculty profiles—all fully hosted, with unlimited storage and unlimited support.

Benefits for research managers

Pure collects and validates research information in one place and in real time. Research managers, research administrators and research development professionals are often required to track and analyze this information. Pure makes it easy for them to do so through flexible reporting and dashboards.

  1. Track, monitor and manage the grant lifecycle.

  2. Get the complete picture of individual projects. with user-specific overview screens

  3. Get a panoramic view of research collaboration.

  4. Identify experts.

  5. Help achieve performance goals by defining targets and tracking research progress over time.

  6. Save time preparing returns for national assessment exercises.

  7. Build tailored reports to analyze the achievements of researchers, teams, departments or custom-defined groups.

The Pure community module:

  • helps boost regional economic growth by facilitating strategic partnerships between local universities and between businesses and local universities

  • promotes the research, assets and expertise within the region to attract R&D-driven businesses

  • provides businesses with an easy way to locate academic expertise for innovative research

Increase agency visibility ofand access toother resources

Compile the latest data and research on the environment, health & safety, defense, the economy and others - all in a single source.

Engineering Village uses controlled indexing and classification so researchers can retrieve relevant results, providing a vital resource for identifying the latest government developments and research trends from conference proceedings, dissertations, technical standards, trade magazines and others. It is ideal for supporting any engineering research initiative at academic institutions, corporations and government agencies.

Picto image of Global company start up

Latest news & updates

The launch of this new initiative, Engineering Research Visioning Alliance (ERVA) 새 탭/창에서 열기, will serve as a force multiplier for high-impact research on society’s grand challenges. Managed by UIDP and funded with a five-year, $8 million award from NSF, ERVA will convene engineering voices to prioritize topics for innovative research that both benefits society and leads to a more secure and sustainable world.

New Data Source for Indicators Expands Global Coverage 새 탭/창에서 열기

The bibliometric indicators in Science and Engineering Indicators 2016 are based on Elsevier's Scopus database. This is a change from the bibliometric data set used in earlier volumes of Science and Engineering Indicators, which used a subset of Thomson Reuters Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). This change in data sources is accompanied by several methodological changes intended to simplify the interpretation of the data and increase the cross-field and cross-country comparability of the data.

Novel Coronavirus Resource Directory

To support the extraordinary efforts of the health and research communities combatting coronavirus, we have created a range of free resources, including evidence-based clinical guidance and more than 41,000 research articles to read, download and data mine. This directory provides a complete overview of these resources.

Author workshops and virtual STEM researcher workshops

Publishing events for researchers, covering all of the basics of scholarly publishing. All workshops are now online webinars. Keep your constituents engaged and connect with experts in the publishing world.

The workshops are designed for everyone working in STEM, from early career researchers to postdocs and advanced career researchers, to share best practices in discovering scientific literature, getting their work published in journals and becoming a peer reviewer. We can tailor any course or courses to specific groups of people and focus on only topics relevant to them.

Student working on computer in library
  • What are journals and why are they important to STEM?

  • Identifying reliable scientific literature

  • Peer-reviewed content versus preprint or other online content

  • Tips to writing a great paper, section by section

  • Finding the right journals

  • Understanding Open Access and predatory publishing

  • Understanding the peer review process and what editors look for

  • How to handle reviewer comments

  • Publishing ethics and responsible sharing

  • Publishing your data

  • Promoting your work

  • Getting involved as an editor or reviewer

Upcoming and past events & collaborations

  • National Laboratories Information Technologies (NLIT 2021 새 탭/창에서 열기) Conference June 24–Nov 8. Presentation: Making research collaboration and data sharing work across the lab infrastructure.

  • The International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, supported by Los Alamos National Lab: June 14–16, 2021.

  • NuMat2020: The Nuclear Materials Conference: Oct 26–29, 2020

  • The Special Libraries Association, October 14–16, 2020. Collaborative Presentation with Sandia National Lab: Using Scopus/SciVal to analyze research at a national lab.

Support for your research needs

Our government sales and support teams include dedicated solutions managers, customer consultants, and a high-skilled technical team ensuring rapid response and dedicated support for technology, product, and content specialists.

Government sales and support team

Michael Willey


Michael Willey

Solution Sales Manager

Lisa Wichman


Lisa Wichman

Account Manager

Julie Mantua


Julie Mantua

Account Manager

Randall Love


Randall Love

Solution Sales Manager

Dave Simon


Dave Simon

Regional Account Director

Shanthi Keethadevan, Regional Marketing Manager


Shanthi Keethadevan

Regional Marketing Manager

Yanik Faylayev


Yanik Faylayev

Customer Success Manager