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Our LibGuides provide a one-stop-shop for end users to learn how to get access to our tools and databases, start searching, set personalization features like alerts and saving searches, tutorials, metrics and more.
In this age of generative AI and misinformation, it is crucial for researchers to be able to prioritize quality information, ensure transparency in their work and be equipped to communicate their findings with the public. Following our landmark 2022 study, we’re asking researchers to voice their experiences and needs about the challenges and opportunities around building Confidence in Research.
From identifying potential journals based on your field and other criteria, to avoiding predatory journals, use this guide as an easy-to-read reference for your researchers.
In this recorded webinar, we discuss Elsevier's latest evaluation and metrics initiatives.
This article discusses the shift from service-oriented to learning-oriented librarianship, towards increasing alignment between library curriculum and institutions' education missions.
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