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Versus Arthritis

Elsevier has established a funding body agreement with Versus Arthritis새 탭/창에서 열기 to help authors publishing in Elsevier journals comply and to facilitate a successful implementation of their policy. Details about how to comply are outlined below.


Versus Arthritis requires grantees, from the 1st January 2007, to pursue open access publishing and are required to submit an electronic copy of the final manuscript of their research papers to PubMed Central (PMC) and PMC’s linked sister repository Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) within six months of publication.

Versus Arthritis-funded authors are free to choose the gold open access option offered by Elsevier. Authors can comply by publishing in either an Elsevier open access journal or in a subscription journal with an open access option. This includes journals published by The Lancet.

Gold open access

To provide open access, a publication fee needs to be met for each article published open access. For information about specific open access publication fees, please refer to the individual journal homepage and guide for authors. Versus Arthritis will meet these costs only if the author’s institution is unable to.

Upon publication, Elsevier will supply the final published article to Europe PMC on the author’s behalf. This will then be automatically mirrored on the PMC site. All articles published open access have permitted reuse which is determined by the author's choice of user license.

Green open access

Versus Arthritis-funded authors who do not have funds available for gold open access can self-archive their accepted manuscript on Europe PMC after the embargo period for their specific journal has expired. Posted accepted author manuscripts must include a link back to the original and final published articles.

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