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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Make faculty recruitment at your university more transparent and efficient

Interfolio’s Faculty Search module offers a simple, secure platform that streamlines the workflows and collaboration around academic recruitment. Built for shared governance, Interfolio is designed for the specific demands of academic recruitment and saves applicants and hiring committees both time and effort.

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Improved committee experience

With practical tools for review and organization, Interfolio enables your academic search committees to make efficient, fair decisions—focusing their time on evaluating candidates and their portfolio of work rather than administration. Purpose-built technology makes it easy to review application materials, communicate among committee members, and focus on what matters: hiring the best fit for the department.

Improved committee experience

Efficient administrative time

Hiring the right people is important, and the right platform for academic hiring decisions can streamline the administrative support required for these critical processes.  

With Interfolio, your administrative staff gain operational efficiency and powerful tools for organization, communication and reporting. They can focus on giving academic staff—and hiring committees—the assistance they need. 

Efficient Administrative Time
Interfolio Case study cover: KAUST

Case study: Discover how King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) made its academic recruitment more transparent, collaborative and efficient.

Read the KAUST case study 새 탭/창에서 열기

Support diversity goals

Interfolio can support your efforts to deliver on diversity, equity and inclusion goals at every stage of the academic hiring process. Built-in reporting tools can help hiring committees understand their applicant pools and stay on target, turning diversity commitments into reality. 

With granular data about who your applicants are and what they offer to students and colleagues, your university can make smarter decisions leading to a stronger, healthier environment. 

Support diversity goals

Drive equity and consistency

There are dozens of steps between a university listing an open position and a new scholar joining a university. Without purpose-built tools, each of these steps presents an opportunity for confusion or frustration.  

Interfolio is designed with these specific problems in mind and ensures all the academic units at your institution are using consistent language, criteria, forms and procedures where required. Spot disparities in processes, base policies on strong evidence and keep committees accountable. 

Drive equity and consistency

Positive applicant experience

Interfolio makes assembling and submitting an academic application clear and easy for the applicant, including the process of requesting and attaching confidential letters—signalling to them that you care about their needs from the outset.  

Positive applicant experience
Cover of Interfolio case study: London Business School

Case study: Learn how London Business School uses Interfolio’s Faculty Search module to attract top faculty and fulfil diversity reporting obligations.

Read the LBS case study 새 탭/창에서 열기

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