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Access to state-of-the-art innovations that measure your impact and make your life easier.

When publishing with Elsevier, you can take advantage of the best opportunities open access has to offer. Thanks to our over 140-year partnership with the academic community, we’ve been privileged to build up a deep awareness of the needs of our author community. We work hard to ensure you benefit from the latest cutting-edge technology to ensure that your publishing experience is as smooth, productive and impactful as possible.

Authors can choose from the latest innovations in article and journal types, and our built-in solutions, including patented impact tracking tools, can show you who is talking about your article online. You can also explore personalized options such as a fast-track to publishing through our state-of-the-art author communication system (OACS).


Getting the best impact for your work starts with finding the right journal!

The decision of where to submit your paper is a crucial one and at Elsevier, we know just how important it is to find the right home for your research. In 2013 we launched a tool for our authors to help them home in on the journal that would best suit their paper: JournalFinder 새 탭/창에서 열기.

JournalFinder searches through Elsevier’s over 2,900 journals and ranks the best matches according to how well they fit your abstract. You can then compare the results, based on criteria such as Impact Factor, CiteScore, publication speed or open access publication choice, helping you to make a fast, informed decision.

Based on feedback, we added a wealth of new features and functionalities to JournalFinder in 2019 including new filters and histograms, easier sorting, and higher output limits.


Multiple article and journal types

Get creative when you publish open access with Elsevier! Along with standard journal and article options, you can also choose from a wide range of innovative article types, including:

Research Elements journals

You can publish in Research Elements journals, which is a suite of open access journals, dedicated solely to publishing research elements and multidisciplinary articles – such as data, methods, software, and hardware – from any subject area.

Research Elements articles

Research Elements articles are brief, peer-reviewed articles that complement full research papers and describe output that has come about as a result of following the research cycle – this includes things like data, methods and protocols, software, code, hardware and more.

Further article types

Microarticles 새 탭/창에서 열기 Short papers (<2 pages) that allow authors to publish interesting data that have not grown into a full piece of research; to share a follow-up result to a previously published paper; or to offer a description of a failed experiment to provide important new insight.

Lab resources 새 탭/창에서 열기 Generation of reagents as cell lines, which are often prepared in the lab and never published at all, can now be actively reviewed, curated, formatted, indexed, given a DOI and publicly available to all upon publication.

Visual case discussions 새 탭/창에서 열기 Image-based case discussions representing the entire core curriculum and subspecialties of clinical emergency medicine, including clinical photos, EKGs, ultrasound images, plain radiographs, and representative CT and MR images.

Research Elements journals

Online Author Communication System

We understand that there are many aspects to consider when publishing your research, so our Online Author Communication System (OACS) ensures that you are guided through the publication process and presented with clear, easy-to-understand information about your choices and the prices involved.

During submission you will be presented with a personalized OA Article Publishing Charge (APC) based on your individual context (your country, institutional affiliation, and any society membership for example) as well as considering the journal involved. The OACS ensures you will see the lowest possible APC to publish an article in your chosen journal. Read more about our best price promise.

Built-in innovations

Elsevier offers a number of state-of-the-art tools to help authors enhance the visibility and discoverability of their work, while also gaining a deeper understanding of how their research is being used and communicated within the scientific community.

PlumX Metrics

Elsevier’s PlumX Metrics 새 탭/창에서 열기, allows you to gather important insights on your article’s impact and interaction by measuring citations, usage, captures, mentions, and social media activity. PlumX Metrics provide insights into the ways people interact with individual pieces of research output (articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and many more) in the online environment. Many journal homepages display the top 10 most popular articles according to PlumX social media metrics.

Open Access

Discover the benefits you’ll enjoy when publishing open access with Elsevier.