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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Welcome to the Journal of Cleaner Production family

Since its launch in 1993, the Journal of Cleaner Production 새 탭/창에서 열기 has championed sustainability, with a focus on prevention, lifecycles, and holistic and systemic thinking.

But with research in the sustainability field growing ever more complex and niche, in 2020, Journal of Cleaner Production identified the need for a series of dedicated disciplinary titles.

Today, the Journal of Cleaner Production family contains 11 companion titles. While each targets a specific area of sustainability research, they all share a common mission and objectives:


That the Journal of Cleaner Production family of journals aims to be a trusted and impactful partner for the sustainability community and the natural home for its publications and communications.


  • Papers with a multidisciplinary approach will continue to be published in the Journal of Cleaner Production. Disciplinary papers will be redirected to the companion journals for quick and efficient peer review.

  • Each companion title will provide authors with:

    • A well-defined aims & scope

    • Well-networked editors and domain expert referees

    • Constructive reviews and well-informed decisions

    • Trusted and high ethical standards

4 great reasons to publish in Journal of Cleaner Production’s companion journals

  • They deliver the same rigorous peer review and focus on quality as Journal of Cleaner Production.

  • You can rest easy in the knowledge that your submission will be handled by an editorial team and reviewers with the right subject knowledge.

  • They provide a global platform for the cross-disciplinary and transdisciplinary research required to address today’s societal challenges.

  • They are gold open access, ensuring your accepted article can be immediately seen, read and cited.

The journals ensure homogeneous peer review standards and help us direct authors to the editors with the best expertise to handle their submission.

The Editors-in-Chief, Journal of Cleaner Production

How to submit?

There are two ways to publish in Journal of Cleaner Productions companion titles.

  • Direct submission to a journal: Below you’ll find a brief description of each of the journals, along with links to their homepages.

  • Via the Journal of Cleaner Production: If you’ve submitted a manuscript to Journal of Cleaner Production and they feel that another title in the family is a better fit, they may suggest a transfer.

What do authors say?

Our data analysis was not straightforward; data in the textile-apparel manufacturing chain is sparse and we had to innovate statistical methods to fill the gaps. We loved how the reviewers asked in-depth questions and for clarifications. It helped us to improve the paper a lot.

- Maeen Md. Khairul Akter, Cleaner Environmental Systems

Maeen Md. Khairul Akter

The valuable feedback significantly improved the quality of our paper. We particularly appreciated the efficient communication and the professionalism of the reviewers and editors. Overall, the publication process was smooth and supportive, making it a positive experience that we highly recommend to other authors.

- Dr Abhilash Nair, Cleaner Materials

Abhilash Nair

If you want to go open access with your manuscript, I recommend Cleaner Engineering and Technology. It is a transdisciplinary journal that has all the qualities of its sister journals; that relationship also means it has a lot of reach. Plus, it is fast, thorough and trustworthy, and has excellent editors and reviewers who give you the needed peer review for your manuscript.

- Dr Prince Antwi-Afari, Cleaner Engineering and Technology


The peer-review process was rigorous yet constructive. We particularly valued the detailed feedback that helped improve the quality of the paper.

- Dr Jennifer Davies, Cleaner Waste Systems


Being associated with a respected journal like Journal of Cleaner Production provides an expectancy of credibility and significance for your published research. It also has the potential to increase its visibility, because it is part of a community with similar research interests. And it creates standards of quality for the peer review process and the editorial team.

- Prof. Luís Pinto de Silva, Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy

Luis Pinto de Silva