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Chemical bonds


Henok Kinfe

Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)

Customer case studies

Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, United States

Learn how being able to quickly navigate between journal and book content, coupled with access to interdisciplinary research and relevant topics, makes ScienceDirect a valuable tool for students.

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Case study Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries, United States

Lafayette College, United States

An example of the way ScienceDirect Topic pages support researchers, educators and students to explore original research and increase both their confidence and quality of work.

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Case study Lafayette College, United States

Monash University, Australia

Completing grant applications and successfully publishing articles starts with a thorough understanding of scientific rigor and previous experiments available in the literature on ScienceDirect.

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National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

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Case study National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan

Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Indonesia

See how knowledge gained from pre-1995 literature on ScienceDirect helps to ensure graduate students are prepared for their careers.

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ase study Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Indonesia

University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Learn how researchers save time with ScienceDirect’s robust search technology, customized recommendations and alerts, and Topics feature.

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Case study University of Johannesburg, South Africa

“We live in a digital age when misinformation or erroneous information is rampant. That’s why the quality of scientific research and the professional judgments of peer reviewers are crucial.”

Shen-Ming Chen


Shen-Ming Chen

Professor at Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan)

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