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Svetlana Mintova


Svetlana Mintova

ENSICAEN, Normandy University, France

Svetlana Mintova, Director of Research 1st Class at CNRS, LCS-ENSICAEN-Normandy University and the Head of the Centre for Zeolites and Nanoporous Materials. Her research focuses on porous materials with expertise in synthesis of zeolites, advanced characterizations, and their applications in catalysis, separation, chemical sensors, membranes, and biomedicine. She has been recognized for the novelty and originality of her multidisciplinary research in nanosized zeolites, receiving awards such as the Baron Axel Cronstedt Award from the European Zeolite Associations Federation (FEZA), the Donald Breck Award from the International Zeolite Association (IZA), the “Le Prix La Recherche Chimie” in France, the Honorary Award from the French Zeolite Association (GFZ), the Shandong International Science and Technology Cooperation Award (Shandong) and Qingdao Award in recognition for social and research contributions (Qingdao) in China. She serves as a Visiting Professor at China University of Petroleum (UPC), President of the International Zeolite Association (IZA), and Chair of the Synthesis Commission of the IZA.

She is an Associate Editor of Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (RSC) and Editor of Microporous Mesoporous Materials (Elsevier), and she has received the ERC Advanced Grant for 2022.

She is selected to carry the Olympic flame for Paris 2024, symbolizing academic excellence and sporting spirit. abre em uma nova guia/janela