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keynote Speaker

Chuyang Tang


Chuyang Tang

University of Hong Kong, HK

Chuyang Y. Tang is a Chair Professor of Environmental Engineering at the University of Hong Kong. He obtained his PhD degree from Stanford University and has over 20 years’ experience in membrane technology, water reuse, and desalination. Professor Tang is a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher since 2021. He has published more than 350 journal papers, with a total citation of >40,000 and H-index of 111 according to Google Scholar. He serves as a co-editor of Desalination, a flagship journal on desalination and water reuse. His R&D has received many prestigious awards and recognitions, such as the inaugural RGC Senior Research Fellowship, the IDA Water Reuse & Conservation Award, the CAPEES/Nanova Frontier Research Award, etc. More information about Professor Tang’s research can be found at abre em uma nova guia/janela.