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Gerard Heuvelink


Gerard Heuvelink

ISRIC - World Soil Information, Wageningen, The Netherlands

Gerard Heuvelink is a senior researcher at ISRIC – World Soil Information and a special professor in Pedometrics and Digital Soil Mapping with the Soil Geography and Landscape Group at Wageningen University. His PhD research on error propagation in spatial modelling with GIS marked the start of his scientific career in spatial uncertainty analysis, focusing primarily on soil applications. In 2014, he received the Richard Webster Medal for advancing pedometrics from the International Union of Soil Science, and in 2020, the Peter Burrough Medal from the International Spatial Accuracy Research Association. He has published over 200 ISI articles on geostatistics, spatial uncertainty analysis, pedometrics, and digital soil mapping, and is recognized by the Web of Science Group as a Highly Cited Researcher. Gerard serves as Deputy Editor of the European Journal of Soil Science and is on the editorial boards of Geoderma, Spatial Statistics, and three other ISI journals.