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Plenary Speaker

Huanting Wang


Huanting Wang

Monash University, Australia

Dr Huanting Wang is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Australian Laureate Fellow and a Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and Vice-President (Research) of Monash Suzhou at Monash University. Prof Wang’s research focuses on advanced membranes and nanomaterials for gas separation, water desalination and purification, chiral separation, ion transport and separation, fuel cells and electrolysis. Prof Wang has co-authored more than 400 journal papers (Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher). His patents on membranes for water purification and desalination, acid recovery and lithium extraction have been licensed to six companies, including three Australian companies and one US company; and he is a founder of two Monash University spinouts (2D Water and ElectraLith).

Prof Wang is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and serves as an Associate Editor of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, a Guest Editor of Separation and Purification Technology, and co-Executive Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Membranes. He has received many awards including, The Australian Business Review Top 100 Innovators (2023), IChemE Underwood Medal (2021), The Membrane Society of Australasia Tony Fane Award (2020), and RACI R.K. Murphy Medal (2019).