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Kim Butts Pauly


Kim Butts Pauly

Stanford University, USA

Dr. Kim Butts Pauly is a distinguished Professor of Radiology at Stanford University, where she also serves as the Director of the Radiological Sciences Laboratory and Interim Vice Chair for Research. She earned her Ph.D. in Biophysical Sciences from the Mayo Graduate School and has since become a leading expert in MRI-guided focused ultrasound, particularly in its applications for cancer, neurosurgical, and psychiatric applications. Her research focuses on the development of non-invasive therapies using real-time MRI guidance. Her current research includes optimizing MRI techniques for brain applications, and exploring thermal and mechanical effects of focused ultrasound. Among her accolades, Dr. Butts Pauly has been recognized as a Fellow of the ISMRM and AIMBE, and Distinguished Investigator of The Academy of Radiology Research. Her work continues to shape the future of imaging-guided therapies, furthering advances in medical treatments.