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Mary Sidebotham


Professor Mary Sidebotham

Griffith University, Australia; Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Nurse Education in Practice

I am a registered midwife and nurse and a Title holding Professor at Griffith University, Australia. I strongly believe that high quality education programs are a crucial element in building and sustaining a strong and relevant health care workforce. In my work with the amazing editorial team at Nurse Education in Practice I have seen the journal grow over the last ten years to become one of the leading nurse/midwifery education journals in the world attracting papers from an ever-growing global audience. As an active Principle Fellow with HE Advanceabre em uma nova guia/janela I enjoy mentoring and nurturing academics from their early career journeys right through to supervising students doing their PhD using educational science. My work with the journal and with academics helps to keep me connected to the realities of practice, as does my work as a reflective clinical supervisor with nurses and midwives in the clinical area. I am also connected to practice though my work with the regulatory bodies and Health service providers where I provide guidance on safety and governance matters. When not doing any of this I can be found splashing in puddles, disco dancing, playing football or what ever my lovely grandson decides is the activity for the day.

I am looking forward to meeting you all in Singapore.